Bob Crump Custom Power Cord

Does anyone own or have you heard this power cord? I understand that it is designed by Bob Crump, one of the men behind the CTC Blowtorch preamp. This cord sells for $54.95, but is supposed to be very well made and is said to sound great. Any comments anyone?
Hmmm... I go away for a few weeks and when I come back everyone is talking about me. :)

I should point out that the cord I make is Bob Crump's most basic design. Bob also has a line of cables he makes that are much better than "The Asylum Cord" which I make and sell to support our adoption fund.

Some people are confusing "The Asylum Cable" (the official name) I make with his line of cables and I don't want there to be any confusion. The cable is $65 (we just had a price increase) and for that amount of money I don't know of a better cable. For twice that amount of money I don't know of a better cable. If you buy one of Bob's "REAL" cables you will get a much better sounding cable....period. The Asylum Cable is not an assult on the ultimate in power cable design. It is just a simple, great sounding bang/$ type of product that is pretty incredible for what you pay. They are great for people who have doubts about power cables actually making a difference in audio. I was a "Doubting Thomas" when I first built the cable and it awakened me to what a power cable can do. I still don't understand why they work....I'm always telling people to just try it and return them if you don't want to keep it. Nobody returns them. :)

If you want to see where the money we raise goes you can check the following link. It explains how the money will be spent from the sales of the cables. After we have this adoption paid for we might adopt more children in need (my wife is addicted to adopting children like I am to audio :))) or we might fund an orphanage in Guetamaula. Who knows... only time will tell.
How do I find out where to get one of Bob's REAL cables? And... Does he donate to charity?
Bob is TG Audio-the TG Audio Cords are Bob's, so if you can find a dealer (do a web search-I'm sure something will come up), I'm sure they'll sell you one. Alternatively, you can go to the audioasylum, where Bob is a very active and generous member, and e-mail him.
bwhite--email me and i will put you in touch w/ bob crump directly. if you don't know what PC you want, you should probably talk to bob first--i think he has 4 lines. btw: bob's stuff is incredible. in the asylum, he's "rcrump".
My complete system uses T.G. Audio power cords (except my transport), per recommendations from the "Bound for Sound" audio newsletter (I'm only a subsciber to BFS). There are three types of power cords that Bob makes:
1.) HSR "i" Rev II: for use with SS equipment, transports, DACs,SS preamps, smaller amps..etc.( I use the "i" on my DAC).
2.) HSR "A" Rev II: For tube-based products, but can be used on SS products as well with great results. ( I use the "A" on my Herron preamp).
3.) HSR "i2" ( i-squared) Rev II: For use with high current amps..etc. ( I use the "i2" on my two SS amps configured as mono-blocks).

All of the PCs are excellent and a good value for the money. These PCs have networks in them that is voiced by Bob Crump. Although I am a tweaker and regularly get the upgrade "fever", I have not changed the PCs listed above. NOTE: I use a Mapleshade "passive" Planar PC on my transport, which I upgraded from a Harm Tech 11.

You can purchase the T.G. Audio PCs from the two sites listed below. ( I'm sure there are others as well).

Hope this helps...ENJOY!