Power cable question.

I am going to upgrade the power cable on my Jolida 502A amp and am not sure the way to go. The PS audio Lab II cable gets lots of positive press but the price tag is stunning. I have also read about the Asylum Power Cable and really like the price. The question is this: Is there $400 dollars discernable difference between the two cables? Which would you choose or do you have a better suggestion?
Thanks in advance
PS: I am thinking about an Ultimate Outlet also, are these worth the money?
My .02. I tried the PS Audio Lab and mini-lab cables and find the Pure Note Sigma PC to be the winner. It is an all silver/Teflon cord: Smooth mids and highs, and solid bass. The connectors are also excellent (Wattgate). I paid $250.
Aftermarket cords do not necessarily produce better sound than OEM, which is strong evidence of their utter system and component dependency. Do you think your amp would be able to take advantage of the more expensive cable, assuming the quality of sound it can provide is simply increased, compared to the opportunity cost of other upgrades? How much do reviews of cords w/ non-Jolida amps tell you? The easiest way is to experiment yourself. There is buy/sell used, and fatwyre.com :

See the cable shootout in Bound for Sound two issues back. quite a few cords compared. TG Audio cord won for most applications - line-level. Around $400.
Do a search on this site under power cables for an ad titled "Custom Made TPC-REFERENCE Power Cord-6 Ft" This is an outstanding power cable.
I have used NBS Statement, Custom Power Top Gun HCFI and Siltech Ruby Hill but changed with Burmester 2.5 Power Cord for all the front end. It may not be better but I could not hear the difference between all of them and that means it is better because it cost much less.

However, the best is probably the Custom Power Top Gun HCFI for the amp and preamp. Nothing beats it so far.