How can power cords make a difference?

I am trying to understand why power cords can make a difference.

It makes sense to me that interconnects and speaker cables make a difference. They are dealing with a complex signal that contains numerous frequencies at various phases and amplitudes. Any change in these parameters should affect the sound.

A power cord is ideally dealing with only a single frequency. If the explanation is RF rejection, then an AC regeneration device like PS Audio’s should make these cords unnecessary. I suppose it could be the capacitance of these cables offering some power factor correction since the transformer is an inductive load.

The purpose of my post is not to start a war between the “I hear what I hear so it must be so” camp and the “you’re crazy and wasting your money,” advocates. I am looking for reasons. I am hoping that someone can offer some valid scientific explanations or point me toward sources of this information. Thanks.
Hello Bruce,

I myself have been wondering very much about this topic and have found myself having a similar conversation with my father. I am quite new to HiFi and take about all the advice I can get (so anyone reading this please feel free to share your opinions). You could even say my interest in HiFi was sparked by my pop's interest. Anyways, my dad in his younger days loved music and became an electrical engineer out of his interest for acoustics. He was fortunate enough to land a job using some very ridiculously expensive test equipment, bruer and kerr (I think is how you spell it phonetically), supposedly its the best. I can't say from first hand experience because I chose to study computer science instead of following old pop's footsteps. Anyways, from what he has told me, this is the same brand of test equipment that McIntosh (I'm sure other companies as well) uses to design, measure and calibrate their amplifiers. This same brand also builds exteremly precise amplifiers (greatly exceeding the technical specifications of those used for HiFi audio) for vibration tables used in scientific research. Ok, whats the moral of the story? The equipment I mentioned earlier in the post all use "regular" or "stock" power cables.
Well according to the brochure I read, they filter noises,
they clean power,other than that with my experience with
costum power cord, and cardas pc, and kimber pc, they
did a lot of improvement with my system.Its like forget
about trying to forget how a plane can fly,JUST FLY
A new creation in power cord design has just been released and I mean radically new. In terms of performance, it will be far more important than the eletronics it is being pluged into.