Cardas or Harmonic Technology

I'm pondering on whether to get Cardas Golden Reference interconnect or Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway Mk II. Since my area does not have both cables to audition, I wonder if any one has the chance to try and compare the two cables?

I have looked for used cable on Audiogon and found that the price difference between the two is hugh...may be around 2 times. Not sure if the sound improvement justify for the price tag of cardas. I heard a lot of good comments of Harmonic Tech and not sure if it is really as great as Cardas.

My current system consists of Plinius SA-250, Plinius CD-LAD. Going to upgrade my speakers to Eggleston Work Andra and CD player to Meridien 508.24.

I think that was a very convincing point from Lev335 about giving up all his transparent music link ultras and bought the hormonic tech. I'm going to get my Harmonic Tech soon. Thanks guys for the help.
Patrick, I own HT Truthlinks and just upgraded to the HT Pro9 biwire speaker cables. I have a Plinius 8150 integrated. My system was slightly bright with my old speaker cables (Audioquest Indigos) and the Pro9s were the perfect answer.

I suggest that you get your new digital source in place BEFORE purchasing new cables. The cables may not have the same sonic qualities with our current CD player.

I have had both in my system and I like the Cardas Golden Reference better in my system. I have a Cj Premier 16LS and a pair of Premier 8A's running a pair of Hales T8's. The HT seem to sound a bit grainy to my ears whereas the Cardas cables seem to have a more relaxed sound that really fleshed out vocals in my system. Although I will have to admit that the HT's seem to have a wider soundstage and bit more focus, but the CGR is not too shaby in this department either. I really would encourage you to try both. System synergy and personal preference will determine which cable sounds right for you.