Shure V15--A Good Cartridge?

I've noticed that there seems to be violently mixed opinions on the Shure V15. The quotes from reviews are good, but then some people (mostly dealers) don't really seem to like it. One person commented that he thinks it's too bland, another says it's not good for anything but rock because it can't resolve complicated details. At the same time, however, one person (a dealer whom I respect) thinks it's a great cartridge for people with ordinary record collections, and I've heard some people say it's great for classical and jazz, and it does just fine with complicated musical details.

I am not in the market for a V15--now, at least--but I have been really wondering why the opinions are so mixed. Other cartridges seem to be pretty simple--the strengths and weaknesses are well known.
I am curious what my Audiogon brethren would recommend as the best low mass arm to mate with the Shure. I still use a Grace 707 (20 years old) and would love to be introduced to a current production design that is as good or better.
Thanks. Dan
When I was a student I purchased a used Mapleknoll - which is now in pieces (a subject for another thread - help to build a new plinth!) - I only had a few $ left and bought a Shure V15 - it sounded surprisingly great.
I have been using the V-15 for over 20 years
now. During this period I tried several others
and always went back to the V-15. I currently
have the the VMR version, that will probably be
my last cartridge.

The V-15 is an open sounding cartridge, with
extended, smooth highs that are never shrill. It
tracks just about anything you throw at it. I
have it mounted on a ReVox B-791.

I suspect the reason dealers hate it is that,
at the price, there is nothing that comes even
close to the performance. Since it has always
been very popular -- a commodity product,
almost -- it was widely availabe through mail
order. As a result, profit margin was low.

-- Ron
The Shure is not particularly arm sensitive, but is very VTA sensitive. It mates well with the REGA arm as well as the Audioquest. Many older arms also match well such as the SME3, Sumiko MMT and FT-3 and even the old unipivots, Mayware, Hadcock, etc.
I am using the Shure V15 (latest) and have been very impressed. I have been a Sumiko person in the past, but the Shure delivers the goods. Very wide, expansive, fast, detailed, and just musical. To me, the biggest factor is the quality of the phono preamp, and the matching of the cartridge and your system. Put me down as one who thnks that it is a great bargain. Jeff