Analog Front End for 5000

I have been listening to digitals. Recently, I bought many classic LPs at very good price. I want to set up my analog system. I purchased a music hall MMF-7 TT to test, but I am not satisfied. I want to buy a turn table, a tone arm and a cartridge with a budget of $5000. I listen to classic music the most.
By the way, how much should I spend to set up an analog system which can sound better than any CD player.
Any suggestion is appreciated.
I couldn't agree with the Sota Star suggestion more. I began with a Sapphire and recently traded it in for a Star. Both the Star and Donna and Kirk at Sota are fantastic. I have never had a better experience in this hobby which is well known for it's snobs.
I've spent many hours listening to VPI turntables and would never seriously consider buying one. They fall far short of the Sota in every respect, except they seem to send more samples out for magazines to reveiw.
I use a Rega RB 900 arm with a Benz Glider and have never heard better sound from my vinyl.
Call Donna and see what a refurbished Star will cost, then you'll know what you have left to spend on an arm and cartridge combo.
Since I got my TT set up CDs are only for background music not serious listening. CD can't compete!!!
NRCHY: Have you made a direct comparison with other tables? If so, which ones...(besides VPI as you stated)??

I am interested in what you found with the Regas and the comparisons.
I'd second the eurolab with either morch arm (you can get them at a good price from The teres is interesting too, but i havent heard it.