This is THE powercord I want :
Personally I doubt that conductivity is what a great PC is about. Otherwise using the same stuff as you have in the wall as a PC would sound as good as or better than anything else (since 5 feet cannot be significant in the many metres overall). Nevertheless, a very interesting read.
Come out, come out, you lurking voter that disliked my post. Let me know what you disapproved of.
Redkiwi, I may be wrong here, but do you not think that the power cord material is just an extention of the power supply and is subject to the same improvements that say an Audio Note silver wire wound power supply and its benefits to that line of Amplifiers? In other words the better the copper, the more it will benefit the supply, if said supply is of commensurate quality. That is the way I see it. Even 5 feet will benefit improvements, just as only one link of high end IC, in a system riddled with junk interconnects will yield an improvement. What do ya think Red?.......Frank
I do not find anything inconsistent between your view and mine Frank. And I know a good power cable occupying the last 5 feet makes a difference. But having played with making perhaps 20 different designs of PC as well as buying exotic PCs from the US and having to terminate them into local plugs (different from the US ones), I do not see a strong correlation between a good PC and very low resistance. Yes you need a certain guage of cable, but diminishing returns set in. Purity of the copper is good, geometry is very influential on the sound, as is shielding, as is dialectric. But nothing in my sessions designing, building or having power cables built led me to believe that super-low resistance was all that was required.
Red, so from all your trials, you feel that copper purity is secondary to Geometry and Dielectric? This is particularly important, because if copper purity or silver for that matter IS down the line,in importance, then this is a huge savings moneywise. I am with you on this as far as ICs go,ie; that a cable produced with great design and dielectric parameters AND mundane copper, will outperform one that has the highest quality conductors and lesser design. But, I never knew if this applied to PCs as well. Thanks for the help..........Frank