ultimate interconnect recommendations

I'm looking for some recommendations regarding the ideal interconnects between my preamp and power amps. I have an interesting situation using a Linn 5103 preamp and two 5125 five channel amps with active crossovers for my front channels. As I have different channels of amplification for the tweeters, midranges and woofers, it occurred to me that I could optimize the interconnects for each frequency range. I'm looking for the elusive combination of crystalline, detailed (but not harsh) treble, warm, natural and full midrange and tight, full bass. Each of the three pairs can be a specialist. I am currently using Harmonic Tech AC 11 power cords and a Pro-Silway II between my DAC and preamp. The speaker cables are Linn 600 triwire. Thanks for your help!
Hello Thsalmon

During your tour of the worlds finest interconnects I think that it would be very wise to listen to the cables from Argento. They represent fantastic sound at all price levels but the top of the line "VDM" are simply fantiastic. I upgraded to this from the standard silver about half a year ago and it was worth every cent.

Is there anything in particular wrong with your Pro Silways?
Also I would stick with one brand of cable...trying to optimize each for different frequency spectra seems to me an exercise in frustration!:) Pick a neutral cable and use it throughout, in my opinion.
If you enjoyed the Pro Silways, try comparing Harmonic Tech's "Magic" cable to Acoustic Zen's Silver Reference". They are both in line with what you already have, but a significant step up. I have had both, and settled on the AZ cable, but of course each system is different. Robert Stein at the Cable Company is a great help, but you might keep you eyes out at Audiogon for these cables around half retail cost.
I also switched my Pro 11 AC's to "less important" components (receiver, subwoofer), and now use the AZ Tsunami with my CD player, it was like giving my Sony 9000ES steroids!
will be an inexpencive example of newtral and efficient all-purpouse interconnects.
for a cheaper version the 30ga wire from RadioShack can be used.