Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?

Hi All,
I am currently using an arc ph-3 which is set up for my rega super elys. I just got a new Basis 2500/graham/ruby 2 and find the ph-3 is set too low. I'm going to try clipping in some of the supplied ARC resistors. In searching around I see that quite a few people recommend a solid state preamp with this low output of a cartridge.

What is the best phono stage for a .3mv ruby 2 ?

I have heard that the new lukaschek is quite good with this combination. I also have a used aleph ono on the way.

My system is aleph P/aleph 2/avanti centuries. I do have a vk-5i pre that I'll try with the different phono stages.
Well, the current "best" phono stage today is probably the new Boulder unit -- but it costs $29,000, so you may want to consider some others. In the "reasonable" range of phono stages, here are several that have gotten very good reviews:

1. The Manley Steelhead (about $7500 new) -- the phono preamp that has a lot of the audio reviewers singing its praises.

2. Tom Evans "The Groove" phono preamp -- hand-built in England, this is the unit that Harry Pearson of TAS has been raving about. It's about $3000. There is a less expensive model now available, and there is an ad here on A-gon for it. See the following link:

3. Balanced Audio Technology VK-P10 ($4000 new)

4. Conrad-Johnson Premier 15 ($4400 new)

5. Pass Labs Aleph Ono ($2500 new)

6. Lehmann Audio Silver Cube ($2100 new)

Dropping down into the next level, here are some of the best phono preamps to think about:

7. Linn Linto ($1600 new)

8. AcousTech PH-1 ($1200 new)

9. Camelot Technology Lancelot Pro ($1000 new)

10. Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE ($879 new)
I also have a PH3 and currently use it as a back up phono. Changing the resistors won't effect the gain just cartridge loading. My current mc cartridge is .4mv and I use a Klye Audio Art phono with it. I have used the Pass phono in the past and has plenty of gain to push your Ruby 2. Good listening.
Is Pass Ono still in production?
I dare to add to the Sdcampbell list Aestethic IO phono that i belive has an excellent value but expencive.
You can also shop for good step-up tranny that i believe in your situation will save you a buck or two:
Ortophon T100, EAR 834T?, AudioNote in the range of $1000.
The ono is not in production - I got a used one. Wow! Lots of helpful responses. I'm most anxiously looking for feedback on the T9 (newer) lukaschek that TAS gave a product of the year to in 2000. More importantly, I read in an albertporter post that this was quite a good phono stage.

It would also be nice to use something that small because it will tuck in behind (or under ?) my record player & allow me to use an ultra-short phono cable.