Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?

Hi All,
I am currently using an arc ph-3 which is set up for my rega super elys. I just got a new Basis 2500/graham/ruby 2 and find the ph-3 is set too low. I'm going to try clipping in some of the supplied ARC resistors. In searching around I see that quite a few people recommend a solid state preamp with this low output of a cartridge.

What is the best phono stage for a .3mv ruby 2 ?

I have heard that the new lukaschek is quite good with this combination. I also have a used aleph ono on the way.

My system is aleph P/aleph 2/avanti centuries. I do have a vk-5i pre that I'll try with the different phono stages.
Dear John:

Hope you will post your followup on how things go as I am in a similar boat. Good luch

gary would T9 be a better match for Benz carts than more expencive phono-stages like Jeff Rowland, Plinius or Aesteghic IO?
did anyone compare this case?
I've auditioned the Benz Ruby on a Lukaschek, Counterpoint SA9, Audio Research PH3 and Aesthetix Io.

The best performance was Aesthetix Io, second Counterpoint SA9 (with NOS tubes), third was sort of a tie between the ARC and Lukaschek.

I admit fondness for the small size and craftsmanship of the Benz phono stage.
I used the regular Ruby some time ago. It was a special one without body and with very low gain, I think, 0.2 mV.
I used it in my Basis Debut/ Graham.
I use a Klyne 7 PX 3.5 phono pre amp.
Absolutely no problem. Plenty of gain even for this cartridge. It is excellent sounding and you can adjust it exactly to the Benz system ( Impedance, 47 k ....).
The Boulder has 47 dB S/N according to Stereophile or is 38 dB noisier than the Vendetta tested by Audio Magazine about fifteen years ago.....Updated units are still available in a full function preamp made to order.....Time marches backwards :-)