which powercord? jps,esp,shunyata....?

i"m looking for power cords to my system
levinson 23.5 and 26 and my cd is bat.
Ken: No, I never did try the EEL cords. My wife told me that "we ain't havin no EEl's in the house honey", and that was the end of the EEL's. Whales have a higher WAF, I think, and I would recommend that BMI's next triumph be called The Dolphin, so that more of us will have a chance of getting them into our systems. If my wife were into piercing, Goth and tattoos, then it may have gone the other way. I am also curious though as to how the two would combine synergy wise in a system as the combo would be much easier on the budget. ASA: I have only used the 5' version.
Ken, length does not seem to effect the EEL or Whale Elite. I personally would purchase the Whale Elite over the EEL, however they are both very good, you get more for your money in this case!
I'm a true believer in Custom Power Cords by David Blair. The entry level Mod. 11 are a great buy for the money. From there, I would jump directly to the Top Gun an incredible power cord that you won't be disappointed with.
I have older Levinson gear and using both BMI's whales & NBS statement which improved my system dramatically. It opened up the soundstage and big improvements in the bottom end and mids. Very smooth on the top end and need to get another whale for my line conditioner.