which powercord? jps,esp,shunyata....?

i"m looking for power cords to my system
levinson 23.5 and 26 and my cd is bat.
You need to try a bunch to really know. Try the Cable Company, Audio Advisor, or Pure Note to get 30-day trials.
The BMI Whale is a pretty impressive power cord. I've had a number of different cables and the Whales are the most accurate, detailed and realistic bass I've ever heard. This is from someone who was in the recording studio for over 25 yrs.
have to agree with marcel, the apc power cords are EXCELENT, regardless of the 49.00 price tag. I am using two on a BAT VK500. they give an even more open and easy sound. Right up there with my synergistic cables.
I switched from the Top gun and Top Gun HC, To the eel ref. No comparison, the eel blew away the top guns.
Well team BMI is out in great force, and I don't doubt that they make a great product. However put me down as Absolute
power cord believer, for the price of one BMI Whale I can outfit 2 entire systems with APCs, something to consider if price has any bearing. I agree fully with Marcel and Banksfriend.

As stated above you must try several AC cords in your own system to see what you like, Cable Co is handy for this.
If I were to try some new AC cables Acoustic Zen Tsunami would at the top of my list, very reasonable price also.