Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?

Please,I have a Lyra Clavis DC cartridge still with low hours,and Id like to know if worth to upgrade to a new Lyra Helikon SL?
My turntable is the SME-10.Thanks!
I have the SL and it was dramatically better than a VDH Frog. The Helikon is a big league cartridge. I would highly recommend it. Check with the guys at about the differences between the helikon and the lyra.
I hear that the SME table is great!
While we're talking about the Helikon, I've been thinking about upgrading from a Benz Glider Low output to the Helikon. I have a Linn LP12/Ekos and Linto phono stage. The Linto has 63dB of gain. Should I get the SL or the regular?

My Linn dealer says that Linn "optimized" the Linto to work best with the Linn Arkiv, which is about .4mV output. I understand the regular Helikon is also about .4mV.

I suspect the Linto will not have trouble with the .2mV Helikon SL, but the extra work the Linto will have to do will theoretically induce some extra noise, however small. Will the sonic improvement over the Helikon regular justify the SL?

Thanks in advance,
Famaraca - I also have the Helikon SL and think it's terrific, better than my Koetsu Urushi, and gives my Koetsu Onyx a run for the money. You have a high quality tt (SME IV/V arm?), so the just be sure your phono pre has enough gain to support the SL.

And Gboren, I'd stick to the regular Helikon with your Linto, but you might want to email Sedrick Harris, Immedia sales rep to confirm ( Sedrick's a great guy and very knowledgeable.

To both Famaraca and Gboren, a friend upgraded his Lyra through an Audiogon member, Sattothestars, and was very happy with the service.
I wholeheartedly second Granpad. The Helikon comes very very close to the Clearaudio Insider in slam, soundstage layering, general dynamics and resolution down to the pppp level and this at a fraction of the price! I use it on a very heavily modified Souther arm. Cheers,
I don't know either. My dealer, whom I have come to trust, says that the upgrade would be worthwhile. He also told me once that the difference between the clavis d.c. and the parnassis d.c. was pretty close. A matter of taste or sonic signature?
I have tried the frog and liked it very much. I was very impressed. I liked the clavis d.c. more, but I got the impression that most would prefer the frog.
Come to think of it, the clavis d.c. is a fairly idiosyncrate cartridge. It can have a tendancy to sound thin, and undynamic, compared to other super carts, which it trades for super detail. Of this I am sure of.
I think in a situation like this a dealer that can laon you a heliken or provide a demonstration would be invalueable.
I am highly curious. Evan from these answers above I am still guessing wheather it is somewhat a matter of taste or a no-brainer.