Moving coil cartridge advice needed

A friend recently acquired a VPI Aries turnable with JMW Memorial arm and asked my advice on a good but not outrageous MC cartridge, say around $1,000.

He has a phono pre that will support the lowest output cartridges. He listens to a broad range of popular music, although I've gotten him sampling some jazz and classical lately. Accuracy in soundstaging and transients, deep well controlled bass and good tracking are important.

Ones which came to my mind - Benz Micro (Ref 2 silver, L2, Glider L2), Clearaudio Sigma Wood, Dynavector Karat 17D2 Mk II, Lyra Lydian Beta and Shelter 501. I've only heard the Dynavector personally (excellant cartridge, IMHO). Read that the Benz's are very "warm", which if true, may not be optimal given his listening tastes. Comments on these or
other recommendations most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Sayas, I do think that due to the length of the 12.5 arm, there is a better match there than with the 10.5 or 9. There is more mass and better angle. Also, I am hearing from others that the Helikon is working for them in JMW arms. So it seems that it falls on the good side of the "borderline". I am sure that your setup sounds great, because you would surely know about a mismatch if you had one. This is good info for me, and others, about this combo. When the indicators are borderline, it is very hard to make a definitive statement about matchup, one way or the other. I just tried to use the manufacturers guidelines, and some previous experience to guide my recommendation.
Twl, does your Teres TT sound as good as it looks - WOW! Rwd, I live in Southampton, NY and my friend is in Easthampton. Where do you hang you hat?
Hi Doug....bit of a trip for you....NYC (Staten Island) but you are most welcomed!!!!

P.S. Any of you in the area are!
Doug, yes, I'm afraid it sounds even better than it looks. With the OL Silver and DL103, it is quite a package. I wish I could afford a Shelter 501 right now, but with the custom 45 amp I've ordered from Berning and all, I have to wait. The DL103 is plenty good enough to hold me over till then. I am living is SE Tennessee. But there are owners in the NY metro area. If you want to know who to call about auditioning one, contact Chris Brady at Teres, and he can put you in touch with the closest owner. You may be quite surprised at just how good these TTs sound. I have heard reports of people comparing them with Walkers and Clearaudio Master Ref, coming VERY close to the Walker, and better than the Master Ref! Unbelievable, huh? There are only a couple hundred of these Teres TTs out there, total. A very small group of very satisfied analog lovers.