Good moving magnet or cheap moving coil

I want to buy a new cartridge to replace the Sumiko BPS in my LP12.Although the BPS is a moving coil it never had any magic in my system.Rather thin sounding with woolly base.
Should I go with a good moving magnet (such as the clearaudio aurum beta) or another high output moving coil(which one?). Budget is about $600 tops.
For $600 or less, you can get one of the top Grado Reference models here in Audiogon. Hard to beat, IMO.
Best MM is the Clearaudio Virtuoso - good price with any trade at the Elusive Disc - check out the site. I own one.
What was the impedance of your cartridge? What is the input ipedance of your phono stage> You could very easily have a impedance mismatch. Happens all the time.