ZuCables any experiece

I've been looking at their products and wondered as to others experience.

Well stated! The guys at Zu are very genuine in there advice and recommendations. This is a hard quality to find that many other companies overlook in their rush to get products to market. I am glad you like your Wax, I love mine!
I have several Birth power cables and have to say they clean up the upper register and midrange, but they DO also "clean up" the lower register, and that may be someting you will NOT like if you are a thumper freak. I would say the power cable for the amp works best if NOT via a line conditioner... or the bass actually becomes anemic. The power cables are interesting and a good value if the qualities above are what you are looking for. In previous posts I have said the sound of the woofers without the Birth power cables sounded like a "wooley Rinocerous" was in my living room... compared to WITH the Birth power cable.
I've had the Oxyfuel interconnects in my system for a few weeks and am very impressed. Compared to some of the best the highs are right up there while the mids sound a tad less fleshed out and the bass perhaps a little overdamped, but the bass actually works better in my system. These interconnects do very little wrong and are quickly becoming my reference for this price range($110 1m pair). Highly recommended.

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