My first impression of the Nordost Valhallas.

I just received the shipment of Valhalla cables (interconnects and speaker cables)from the Cable company to audition these cables.
I am still waiting for a few other cables, which I plan to compare against the Valhallas. I will report these findings next week.
But my first impression of the Valhallas was gigantic. The best of the best!! I cannot believe that people are out there bashing these cables. Please let us not get into an argument about there price here.
Its like saying a Porsche is an inferior car because it is so expensive.
Its another story if this amount of money is justified for any cable, but this cables are just awesome. I am sure you know by now, that Endlish is not my mother tongue, so I am lacking some of the vocabulary to describe these cables. But I tell you that this is a league of cables, where only a few other cables have a chance to follow. I can only advise anybody to try to borrow these cables from the Cable company and hear with his own ears, how magnificient these cables are.
I have nothing else to say, but once I have compared the Valhallas to the rest of the cables I am getting in, I will post another thread here.
Yes, they are stupid expensive. True.

However, they sound unbelieveable. No coloration, no nothing, just music. And so fast!

I hate to think what I've paid (full Vahalla wiring on everything) but my particular system is very sensitive, & revealing (AV Duos w/low wattage SET's) and there is nothing but clear music, or at least clear recording with these cables/interconnects.

I've tried numerous others (Transparent, SPF, etc.) these are the best I've heard, and I hate to admit it because of the cost.

For me - if you can swing 'em - get 'em. Your ears will thank you.
I have a full complement of Valhalla cables and they are indeed superb. However I am in the process of auditioning
NBS Statement 111's and they appear on balance to be better in my system.Just as detailed as the Valhalla's , but with more body in the midrange and upper bass.Vocals sound more convincing than with the Valhallas . The NBS keeps up with the Valhalla's airy and extended treble response.
Both brilliant cables but the NBS gets the nod .
dear tekunda,
i already used valhalla cable,they can be the best cable for your system but it s very difficult to say best of the best for every system.(match problem)
they are of course better than quatrofill and spm but still
i prefer xlo LE,synergistics squared des.ref.,siltech G5,kharma ENİGMA,FİM GOLD than valhalla in my system at my room.
I couldn't have said it much better, . System matching and cables go hand in hand. Hopefully Tekunda finds what works best in his system. My system/my matching/my preference; FIM. (And I've tried the Valhallas)
adsal, i have valhalla interconnects and opus mm speaker cables. as i have ordered Kharma Exquisite 1d speakers and have been considering Kharma cables i would love your opinion of the "Enigma" cables....are they Siltech G5 clones? thanks