3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp

Background: I am trying to upgrade to my ultimate analog set-up. I think the first step should be an new Phono pre-amp capable of supporting high-end MC eventually. I have read the controversy of step-up vs new phono preamp, but I am leaning to the new phono preamp. I have a Cary SLP-98P and love it.

Question: In the $3K to $4K range, what is the best match to a Cary AMP/Pre-AMP/Horn system that would provide good versatility as I later upgrade my cartridge and TT. I have read about the Aesthetic Rhea, AcousTech PhD, and several others but I simply don't have the experience or access to this equipment to help decide.

Cartridges that I may eventually purchase include Koetsu, Shelter, Transfiguration, or comparable. It depends on the tonearm I end up with.

Thank You
Yes, I've heard and read good things about "The Groove" also. Jonathan, how does that compare with my ARC PH 3se and Helikon (reg) and Benz M2?
Check this out......completely versatile, and meets your target price:

Thank you Alanmkafton. Very interesting.

I'll look into the EAR 324 as well. It reminds me of the Steelhead in some ways except solid state. I like the input for two turntables because I want to keep my VPI MKIV/SME309/Grado Reference for comparisons and later, with a change in cartridges, dedicated to mono.
Rwd: The Groove is much quieter, faster and more dynamic.

Alan has made a very good suggestion. The Ear is really one of the best values in audio.
I second the Trumpet, I am using with the Shelter 901 and it is a truely unbelievable phono preamp. It is also half of what you are prepared to spend.. You will need a step-up for a low output MC. I would go with the S&B tranies from either Hagerman or Bent Audio.