"Beginner" audiophile Turntable for $200-$300?

I'm yet another "newbie" wanting to listen to my long-time stale album collection (primarily pop). I don't see myself being a tweaker, at least in the beginning - I just want a "plug & play" turntable, I suppose, for now. I just want to set it up and play my albums - but I do want the most accurate reproducibility of the information on my albums as I can get with $200-$300 (my budget, more or less).

It's the techie/perfectionist in me to make sure that I get a good deal (which means I can upgrade parts - rather than the whole thing...so that I could spread the costs across many paychecks ;-). This is how many of my other hobbies are (Ham Radio, PCs, etc.).

It would seem that if I only wanted "plug & play", and since I'm just a newbie in this, I would go with the less expensive Music Hall MMF-2.1 (which is NOT upgradeable). No one recommends the even less expensive Sony PS-LX350H (or anything from Sony) which is where I began my journey researching this topic. The MMF-2.1 seems to be THE entry-level/beginner audiophile turntable. But, based on reviews and posts, I'm worried about Music Hall's apparent lack of quality workmanship throughout; lack of a good manual (especially for a newbie that doesn't know how to properly setup a more "audiophile" like, manual turntable); and the fact that "just" another $100 (or so) would get me a much better sounding turntable (based on my research so far) that is at least somewhat upgradeable (NAD 533).

The reviews and posts on the NAD 533 are much better than for the MMF-2.1 - and I understand that the tone arm is "basically" a Rega RB-250. In deed, the entire turntable is OEM'd by Rega for NAD and is slightly different than a Rega P2. Based on reviews & posts, I also plan to upgrade to a better cartridge than the one that comes with the NAD 533 - but that's another $100! ARGGG!!!! Oh well, maybe later (I just want very good reproducibility - so I lean toward purchasing a new cartridge before I spend any effort on listening or transferring my album collection to CD - at least for in-car listening).

The VPI HW-19 Jr looks like the ultimate in upgradeability, especially in that it can be upgraded to a full-blown TNT Series 5! But, I cannot see paying $600/$650 (at the minimum, for a used one) right now.

So, I'm strongly leaning toward the NAD 533 for now!

I appreciate any suggestions/recommendations/feedback.


Wes- Please let us know what comprises rest of your system. Also, what kind of phono pre are you going to be using?

As you can read in the specs, the Technics 22 is a Frequency Generator (FG) Servo Belt drive. It is a FAR better motor than any of the other TTs have. Also, that Technics model has a decent suspension and arm. It should outperform all the other TTs and some even more expensive ones (2-3X more).

Now, Crutchfield seems like an expensive place to buy that unit, I'd say...
If price is a big concern, the Music Hall MMF 2 has a lot going for it. It's supposed to be quite decent, and it can support better cartridges later on.

However, the NAD 533 would probably be a big step up. The lack of VTA on the NAD 533 isn't that big an issue. It should work fine with the cartridge provided. If you change later, there are various methods of adding adjustable VTA to Rega arms that should work on the NAD 533 (at least as far as I know). The arm should also work on another turntable, if you decide to upgrade later on. And, since the 533 is really a Rega P2, Rega P2 tweaks should work on it.

Another option might be a Music Hall MMF 5, although a used MMF 5 would be a bit out of your range. But, I've heard a lot of good things about the MMF 5.

I have had no experience with Technics. But, there are some practical things to keep in mind about a p-mount Technics. First, it might be hard to sell a used p-mount Technics later on. Secondly, there aren't as many p-mount cartridges available as standard 1/2" mount. Finally, p-mount cartridge arms (at least the ones I've seen) don't allow you to make adjustments. Some adjustments (like tracking force) are easy, and can make a very big difference. Personally, if I was interested in Technics, I'd jump to a higher model.
The Moth alamo is similar to a NAD 533. They come up on this site from time to time. Made by Rega.
JC is right about the non-adjustability of p-mount arms. That's the whole idea, in fact. Every p-mount cartridge is made to the same weight (part of the standard), so you'll get the same tracking force whichever p-mount cartridge you use. It's simple, which is its virtue. Sucks all the fun out, of course, and you can't decide to experiment with an extra quarter-gram, up or down.

If resale value matters, Technics is definitely not the way to go, as JC says. I wouldn't go to a higher model Technics, either, the MH and NAD options are much more appealing.