Anyone has heard the Sony SACD Player

Dear all, I have recently heard the new Sony SACD player in a local store. The sound seems very impressive with detailed and a lot of dynamic. I did not have much time to audition it thoroughly. Any comment from others
anyone that says the scd-1 is only a mediocre cd played hasn't heard it in a good system used as a transport with a good outboard dac. i have had mine for 2 months and the sound inproves every week. does take awhile to break in and sound its best. every source sounds different with different cables.don't label the player an average component unless you have heard it with many different cables. mine changed significantly when i went from cardas golden cross's to harmonic tech prosilway II for interconnects ( rca's for the cd and balanced for the sacd) and audio tekne speaker cables, biwired. it now sounds as good as any $7500 cd player out there...i have had meridian 508.24 and metronome t20 transport and it's better then both.good power cords also help. i doubt anyone's scd-1 has reached the 300-400 hrs needed to truly see how good it will be.
Not mediocre, just not better than mine. AND MINE COSTS LESS, and is vastly more hi-rez/more like analog than anything requiring a linestage, including the SCD-1, 850, or 508.24.
Closest thing to a mike feed I have heard period. In the world of $10k transports, 5K for a dual media player is not bad. The unit plays cd's as well as a Wadia 860, and SACD's... there is no contest. Even my non-audiophile friends immediately hear a vast difference between CD and SACD. I have used the unit with the Metronome C1V dac, I was auditioning it to see if I wanted to augment the SCD1's cd playback. The result was that it was not necessary, the unit performed as well as the dac and in some cases better due to the filters. I suggest you read all these entries, and borrow a unit from your dealer. Listen to the Charlotte Church SACD and then listen to the CD on any player you care to choose Sondek, Wadia...doesn't matter. SACD is a gestalt, period. Let your own ears be the judge. Also regardless of people stating that line stages are taboo, sometimes a superlative line stage is better that the inferior line stages included in a one box solution. I know for a fact that the Wadia gear sounds it absolute best with a great active line stage tube or SS. Thanks, Mike
Sometimes a separate active linestage is better, BUT NOT IN THE CASE OF THE CD50...