Audience THE ONE on Desktop Need amp

I am considering replacing my Audioengine A2's with the Audience THE ONE for my home office desk. I spend a lot of time working there so I wanted to get better sound.

What amp or integrated would you all recommend for these speakers. I would like to be in the $500 dollar range if possible. I use the Emotiva DAC in this setup and I listen to mostly FLAC's and 320-bit

These speakers are supposed to be very revealing so I may consider swapping out the Emotiva DAC for my Benchmark DAC in my main rig. I listen more at my desk.

Thanks in advance.
One additional point for anyone else thinking of going this way. The LS50 are so reveling that I find it hard to listen to 320-bit internet streaming ( With my old A2's mog sounded just fine. My FLAC's sound amazing on the LS50.
The ONE is a true ONE way, point source speaker without a crossover. There is no crossover like NO crossover. The ONE driver is DIRECT coupled to your power amp. Nothing get's more revealing. "This isn't just another small loudspeaker, it's the start of a revolution!" Alan Sircom, Editor, HiFi+ - Oct '13
Whoah, no offence, but I heard uber-expensive Parasound amps driving KEF flagships in Newport last year and thought it was absolutely unlistenable! Shrieky, bright, fatiguing, horrible! Like a match made in Hell.

If I was doing a desktop system (and putting the speakers on the desk!), I'd just get some active studio monitors like from Focal or Adam.
Weird I have a pair of Sound Field Audio M1 outfitted with the uniq driver from kef and do not find them to be harsh at all. In a nearfield set up they are incredible.