Denon 3910 Universal Player - Opinions?

Anybody heard/viewed the 3910 universal player yet? Would appreciate comments on Redbook CD, SACD as well as DVD-Video performance.
Who cares what junior has to say, the fact is that every pro and every personal comparison of the Onkyo as compared to all other top notch universals, has the Onkyo on top, and in my set up, it is flawless.

Again,every problem you mention can be attributed to an HDMI/DVI connection only.
There all one problem whith that particular connection on the 3910 also.
All things being even, the Onkyo is still the clear winner over the 3910 in every opinion of the two, both pro and personal so far.

This IS the point.

bwhite, you are making an as* of yourself, the lockup was his 480p plazma display, and has nothing to do whith the player itself.
mattepntr, works in the film industry, knows exactly what film is supposed to look like, and absolutely loves this player in every way.

Again, you have listed one problem, and tried to make it into several because of your lack of video knowledge.
This problem is an hdmi/dvi connection problem which the 3910 also has.
This is the sole problem for any tiny video glitch that can be found in that entire thread, besides problems from actual displays, which have nothing to do whith any source player.

You may want to read, and try understanding whats being said,before posting any more mis- information.

Have a great one
Ears: You mentioned the Denon 2900 uses a different chip than the 5900. If you have compared them, which do you consider to have a better video presentation? If you haven't compared them but have read various comparisons of them, can you sum up the video results tht you've read about? Sean
Sean, the 5900 would have, and does have a better image if you take the excessive artifacting and macro blocking out of the equation.
In other words if you have a reference transfered dvd, the 5900 will look better than the 2900, and if the dvd is average or has artifacting like most do, the 2900 would be the better player especially whith a larger projected image imo.
I had a 2900 breifly to check out but I don't beleive I ever had the chance to compare the two.

The 5900 whithout its unwanted ability to magnify video noise,macro blocking ect, would be a fantastic dvd player.
