Denon 3910 Universal Player - Opinions?

Anybody heard/viewed the 3910 universal player yet? Would appreciate comments on Redbook CD, SACD as well as DVD-Video performance.
Ears I could'nt agree more.I own a 3900 and plan on sending it back for a 1000.I have been looking for a Integra dps10.5(nobody seems to have one in stock),are the 1000 and 10.5 similar units?What are the differences?
The Onkyo sp 1000 and Integra dps 10.5 seem to be the same player except the 10.5 outputs upconverted video from composite and s video external source, has bnc component, and a 3 year warranty for 500.00 more.

If you go to the Integra site, you will see that the internals and case look exactly the same except for the name Integra on the face and torridal transformer.

It is the sp 1000 that is coming up roses against the 5900,3910,Pioneer 59avi and Marantz 9500 in those german and French reveiws.
Apparently, the 1000 sells for around 5k anywhere over seas, were the Denon,Pioneer and Marantz sell for about the same as the U.S.

The sp 1000 has external upconversion and bnc connectors on all models except the U.S. and Canadien models.
Bwhite, the Goldman is beautious or something, but a bit out of my price range.
I could afford maybe a Estoric dv-50, but the video is supposedly not up to par whith the Onkyo or top Denons ect,so I will go the mod route instead.

The Onkyo pictures don't really do it justice as it has a curved front, a sweet door that silently pops up over the tray when closed, hex head bolts instead of screws on the case, and the top half of that remote is aluminum instead of plastic.
The 2 channel analog outs are machined instead of your common gold plated rca outs.

It is definitly no Goldman, but has quite a few nice touches for its price.

The damm backlight on the 3910's remote is on the top whith all the other buttons instead of on the side were it should be.
My video upconversion button on the 3910 has already quit working and I now have to get up if I want to change that.

One thing I forgot to mention is the 1000's pace and timing are better also.
At least that is what my new fangled foot tapping meter reads.

I must of seen the 3910 interior pics at AVS and not at Crutchfield....sorry about that.

If I was to mod one of these players myself, it would be the 3910, but I will end up paying crazy money to someone else and go whith the sp 1000.

I borrowed a Denon 3910 from a local retailer for a few days. Hooked it up to my Krell Class A system. It was a letdown in the audio department. Granted, the picture quality was first class. However, the sound quality was boomy in the bass, muddy in the midrange and rolled off in the treble. CD and SACD were similar results. Recommended highly for cinema. But if you're looking for high end audio, you won't find it here.
To anyone who cares, the blacker than black hdmi bug on the Onkyo is fixed via firmware, leaving the sp 1000 as close to perfect a universal player your likely to find for 2.5k or less.
You either buy one whith it already done or call Onkyo and they send it to you for the simple fix.

After living whith this player for a couple of months, I must say that I am in no hurry for mods as this player is quite musical and balanced for long term listening.

Unlike other universals, this player has fast reaction and loading times and I have not had one glitch whith any format.
