best upgrade for 'standard' LP12

I have a Linn LP12/Rega RB300/Grado Sonata which is level and on a good (Audiotech)stand, and am wondering what is a good upgrade that does not involve tearing the table or tonearm apart?

Are the Linn upgrades a reasonable alternative to the Origin and others that are highly touted?

I do not have the trampolin or Lingo, what kind of improvements do these make?

The sound I am getting now has a little midbass ripeness (or lack of definition in the mid/lower bass) and is slightly thin in the upper end. The midrange is very nice and has an intimate quality and the 'Linn beat' seems alive and well.

Overall I am very happy with my setup but wonder if there is a few simple lower cost things I can do that will help these areas.



thank you,

I will look into the sound quality changes the Expressimo Audio Heavyweight offers. I was thinking of maybe a new power cord or Vibrapods underneath or Trampolin.

I guess I should ask for any or maybe the most obvious improvement to my setup. Maybe a good thing to ask: is there any obvious weakness / do the components match each other or is one clearly of less quality than the others?

My pre amp is a Rogue 99 Magnum with phono, I am under the impression it is a pretty good phono section and comparable to the EAR - which is one of the reasons I bought it.

the rest of my system is: Plinius SA100 MKIII / Maggie 1.6s / Acoustic Zen wire / home made PCs and Vibrapods.

I like the Linn upgrades (have not OL). If doing the higher cost upgrade to the table I would do the Cirkus bearing ($600) installed. You get the new subchasis and bearing, new center platter, springs and grommetts and the new armboard. Not a bad deal. You a a signigcant improvement in resolution with a lowing of noise (ie the bearing).

I would not waste alot of money upgrading the rb 300 even if 100 or 200.

Cheap upgrade would be a the Extreme phono donut platter matt. You can get it at Music Direct for $22.
Phil, I think all your other stuff is just fine.

I have got very good results from the Heavyweight counterweight, and recommend it highly. I really did not expect alot from just a counterweight change, but it did alot more than I thought. RB300 is a good arm, and is worth upgrading in my opinion.

Trampolin might be ok, and easy.

Vibropods not needed on LP12.
the lingo adds what seems like a whole octave to the low end - big improvement (albeit expensive). I heard 2 lp12s side by side, one with and one without - it was quite a demo!

also, those ringmats (in place of the linn felt mat) make the sound a little tighter for not too much $.
thanks guys

I spoke with a friend of mine who used to work for Linn and he agrees that the ringmats are worth a look, he thought the Trampolin was a sideways step and more of a compromise for when you do not have a proper shelf, that was news to me.

TWL, I read some of your posts about the heavyweight and I think I will go with one of those and make a PC for my table and my friend can install it when he tunes my table next.

Guys listen to this one, my friend told me to take the bottom board and feet off the table and to put little sticky 3M brand squares on the corners instead for about $1.29 I can givve it a try. This guy is way deep into LP12s and I bet it is worth a listen.

BTW my friend concurs with you Rello about the Cirkus and the lowering of the noise floor but I am not going to spend that much yet.

Just bought a Brubeck on Campus LP today in mint shape and it is great for $9, LPs are great
