Help. What phono preamp to buy?

I am revisiting Vinyl. I am getting a Clearaudio Solution with a Unify arm and a Benz Micro cartridge ( MC L2 with 0.4mV output )
I have not been able to decide on a phono pre-amp and I would like to hear all of your suggestions. The rest of the system is a Cary SLI-80 integrated amp, used mostly in 40watt triode mode, B&W 804N and an REL Storm III Sub. The most expensive one I have researched is the Herron. Also wonder about the EAR and Phenomena. The price of these ranges from $600 to $3250. I would like to stay in the $1000 range if possible.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsnooker14
A lot of good choices here. I use the Electrocompaniet ECP . it retails for 995 but can be had for less if you shop around or used. I use the same Benz Micro you do with it.
Dan Wright is modding the Monolithic Sound phonostage and selling it with full manufacturer's warranty!!!

Underwoodwally is selling them. It *has* to be a killer unit.
Hi, I use the Herron with a Clearaudio Sigma cartridge but instead of a preamp I use a seperate transformer volume control. The Herron has plenty of output without needing a seperate step up transformer . The transformer volume controller does provide 2x gain and allows me to convert from a single ended input to a psuedo balanced XLR output. This is very helpfull with driving my 6 meter interconnect between the volume control and amps. With a good set of NOS tubes this phono stage has been one of my best purchases here on Audiogon. Highly recommended.
try out the acurus p10. weve had it for over a year and is totally awesome. still needs about 100 hrs of break in time