How often do you demagnitize your MC cartridge?

I have never owned a demagnitizer but a salesman brought one over once and did some cultish ritual over the cartridge, killed a chicken and when he was finished it sounded better!!!
Is this something I need to be doing regularly? Any advice?
YA! What he said,, it's very important to be done immediately, but that would be the only time necessary.
I demagnetize my Lyra Helikon, occasionally (every 6 months or so). The improvements are noticeable. It is also recommended by the manufacturer.

For those who have not tried it, how can you be so certain that it will have negative effects? I have demagnetized many MC cartridges over the years without any negative side effects.

I am using the Audioquest battery operated demagnetizer (it was about $70). I have not used the sweep LP, so I cannot provide any first hand information.
I'm a "newbie" to analog/turntables, but in my research so far, I have come across many who state that "burn-in" products, of which de-magnetizers are included, is just a marketing scam to make a small industry rich. Check out the "BURNING IN COMPONENTS" section of this web page (just over halfway down the page - might be easier to do a search [CTRL+F] for "magnet"):

I have also read somewhere (but I am unable to find my source) that using these de-magnetizers continues to weaken the magnetic field that the cartidges are capable of producing, causing even more damage (and loss of sound quality) over time.

Just my $0.02
