Your thoughts on J. Atkinsons Chord DAC review...?

Anyone that had chance to hear Chord DAC, please speak-up! Was it really that bad? Or i am totaly deaf? If one more person finds Musical Fidelity DAC better unit that Chord i am giving upi this 'sport'! Thanks!
I have yet to receive my copy of the July issue, so I can't really comment at this time. From the posts thus far, it would appear that JA truly did a number on the DAC64. I'm rather disappointed, since I've been waiting at least three months for his review, which was hinted at in some of the coverage of one of the audio shows earlier this year. (We all like to have our opinions propped up, regardless of the source.) I had just purchased a DAC64 and was interested in getting opinions from some of the self-proclaimed "experts", so I emailed JA to try and get some preview of his review, to no avail. He did say that his first sample had a defect, requiring a replacement for the completion of the review. I found this interesting, since I, too, had a problem with the first unit I bought, ser. no. 5063. The dealer replaced the defective unit with ser. no. 5100, and I've had no further difficulty. (" further difficulty" does Chord a disservice! I've found the unit to be a wonderful addition to my system!)

I'll wait until I've had a chance to read the review to comment further. Suffice it to say for now that I've found the DAC64 to be a salvation, allowing me truly to enjoy CD sound for the first time. Admittedly, my experience with separate transport/DAC combos is quite limited. I can't, however, imagine how anyone can have much in the way of negative comments regarding what I consider a remarkable
piece of equipment. I suspect there is much truth in the comments of others in this thread concerning paid advertising, etc. I would imagine my beloved SoundLab A3s have been totally ignored for lo these many years for the same reason. To which I say: "So what?"

As far as qualifications of so-called "professionals" are concerned, I've felt for a long time that the ONLY difference between "us" and "them" is the fact that "they" have much greater access to equipment than "we" could ever hope for. "They" put their pants on one leg at a time, same as the rest of us. BFD

Stay tuned.

I was a very happy camper with the EAD Ultradisc 2000 but allowed a dealer to convince me to try the Chord. To say that I was impressed with the Chord would be an understatement. Partnered with a Vecteur D-2 and DH Labs D-75 the Chord sings so sweetly that I can hardly believe that I am listening to -revelling in- digital sound. If your listening preferences go along the lines of maxxing out traditional cd sound, you might be underwhelmed by the Chord. It 'sounds' very unlike any other converter that I have ever heard in its tonally fleshed-out but still dynamically alive presentation. Worth a listen, I'd say.
I didn't think JA's review was that critical - it just wasn't universally rosy the way most gear reviews are these days. He pointed out some areas that he had trouble with, but the tone throughout was fairly positive as he emphasized various strengths as well. People are always saying that they want more critical reviews, and that's what I see JA's review as being. I don't own the Chord and am not in the market for a new DAC, but there was nothing off-putting about his review if I was other than his identification of weaknesses that may or may not be important to a given consumer. -Kirk
It is interesting to note that Andrew Harrson in the July 2002 edition of HiFi News (British HiFi magazine) said this about the DAC 64: “In conclusion, I’d put the Chord DAC 64 into a reference class for its decoding style and subsequent treatment of music. It’s not its lushness and smooth ride that make it a winner, but the way it threads the route of musicality and natural timing.”

I don’t know about you, but, I get the impression the HiFi News review of the Chord 64 DAC is very favorable. The Stereophile review is definitely not. Makes you wonder who is right?
I'd agree with Kthomas. Audiophiles are funny, as sometimes they critisizes those reviews "biased by ad revenue", and sometimes (read: now) "should write more rosy review about X".
Review is just review, not your parents or teacher/mentor or GOD. Just read it as info source. It is always your ears to decide. I don't take it seriously even when the review does not say well about my system with which I happen to be very happy. Those who claim that they can't audition (due to location, etc.), good luck. Ken