B&W Nautilus 802 compared to 804

I'm considering upgrading to the 802's from the 804's. Are there any opinions on the Musical Fidelity Nu-vista m3 integrated driving the 802's with a Linn Ikemi cd player for front end? I would like more bottom end but I like the focus and tight sound of the 804's.
Get a REL Storm III sub if you want more bottom end. Very musical audiophile sub. Two Storms would be even better yet!
I doubt very highly ANY sub will be necessary with the 802N's. Substantial low end. Sugarbrie, you mean the subs in stereo with the 804's, right? That is a fabulous alternative.
I second the subwoofer recommendation. N802's take some breathing room and serious amplification to really sound their best. Think 300 watt monoblocks. Unless your short term upgrade path is to replace the integrated with seperates I expect you might end up very dissatisfied with the N802's. A properly choosen subwoofer will allow you to retain the strengths of the N804's and add the well controlled bottom end that will complement your existing system.
I think the nu vista would easily power the 802s.I have powered much more difficult loads very easily to extremely loud levels with that amp. Oh and BTW the nu vista puts out 310 watts a channel so its more than those monoblocks!!! It should not be an issue as to whether or not it will power them. I would, however, change to different speaker like dynaudio confidence 5s. I have listened to the two extensively and there is no difference which is better. Guess which ones i bought..... There are many other better speakers in the 5k used range than the 802s and the nu vista can power anything out there so there is unlimited choice. I would change manufacturers. I hope this helps, but somehow i dont think you will consider other speakers...