Goldpoint XLR switch

I have a Parasound JC-2 preamp with 2 XLR ports, one used by a JC-3 phono stage, the other by an Ayre C-5xeMP disc player. I also have Oppo 105 and Sony XA5400ES disc players. Before the Ayre, the Sony used one of the XLR ports. I tried the Oppo with XLR into a Cary Cinema 11a; I didn't hear any difference between RCA and XLR ports, but I haven't tried that with the more revealing JC-2.

Question: Does anyone have experience with a Goldpoint XLR switch, specifically its effect, if any, on sound quality.

Obviously, before buying a Goldpoint, I should try the Oppo to XLR and Sony to RCA connections, because I may not need one. The distance from disc player to preamp to is less than 2' in all cases, but there are quite few nearby audio and power cables.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I have a Goldpoint switch with RCA's and it works wonderfully. I cannot discern the difference using it or not. I had to buy one since I ran out of single ended inputs on my system. I also have used Cardas XLR>RCA adapters and they work very good as well. Sorry no experience with their balanced products. I hope it helps, -John
Thanks, Jsd, that's reassuring. I'll try XLR from the Oppo and RCA from the Sony. I realized the Oppo will need a dedicated XLR input for the JC-2 BP to by-pass its signal so the front LR level matches that of the surrounds and subs. That means my two best audio sources, the Ayre disc player and JC-3 phono stage, will share a Goldpoint switcher.

I should have noted that the JC-3 passes along the signal from an Ortofon SME 30H cartridge in a Shure SME Series III arm mounted on a Thorens TD 124 turntable.