Power Cords - Pixie Dust?

As an audiophile I am always prepared to believe that almost anything can make a difference in the sound. But this one makes me wonder. I have a TNT MKV with JMW 12.5 arm. The stand alone motor turns, via a belt, a flywheel that turns, via another belt, the platter.

I have seen an add claiming that replacing the power cord between the SDS speed controller and the stand alone motor can improved the sound of the table, "increasing upper range resolution and sweetness" or some such thing.

I suppose I can see how a new power cord might be argued to improve speed stability, but for the life of me how can a special power cord improve "resolution and sweetness", when the only function of the motor is to spin a belt, that turns a flywheel that spins another belt that turns the platter?? Does this claim make any sense?
Take this for what it worth (probably very little). Krell recommends not replacing their stock power cords. They sort of imply problems may result. Every time I have observed changing the power cord on a piece of Krell gear there was a dramatic improvement, not just a change. The review is for another thread, but just because VPI doesn't recommend or stock the better PC doesn't mean it will not help.
P.S. Love that Pixie Dust.
This is the best thread I have read here at Audiogon. Hey lighten up Bob, I agree with Twl (NO Bob I did not try it yet ok) but if you know anything about turntables it's only common sense that if you can help the motor run smoother you get better sound.
I will post again when I do try the pc uprrade.

Bob maybe you should try some of that cryo'd Pixie dust. I know I need some. Let me know when you guys have a batch ready out of the cable cooker.

I have a SAMA with my VPI HW19MKIV and am using the SDS. My SAMA does not have the interchangeable power cord. I assumed that it wouldn't make a difference what type of power cord feeding the SDS as long as the SDS was putting out the proper frequency. WRONG! It made a huge difference in sound by changing power cords with the SDS. I finally ended up with Custom Power CO Top Gun on the SDS. I wish my version of the SAMA had the interchangeable cords as I am sure it would effect the sound.
Just to let you know I purchased a power cord kit from subaruguru and damned if their isnt a for the better increase in bass extension and generally better dynamic contrasts.It pains me to admit it but its true none the less and I didn't get robbed by a named brand to boot.I swapped the power cord on my audio aero capitole cd player.