Best CD Player under $1000

Dear everyone, I would like to get some of your opinions on CD player upgrade under consideration. I have following audio system: Quad 405-2 power, Quad 33 pre-amp, NAD 512 CD player, B&W CDM1 SE, Tara Lab Prism 22 interconnect, and MIT T2 Biwire speaker cables. Mostly I listen to classical music, ranging from piano, cello, to orchestral works, sometimes jazz. I would like to get clean, accurate, detailed, transparent, a great soundstage, and depth? As a first step, I am considering upgrading my CD player. Which CD player under $1000 can give a clean, accurate, detailed, transparent, a great soundstaging, and depth sound and that provide a great upgrade option as a CD transport in case that I buy DAC later on? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time in advance.
Have a listen to some DVD players.Some of them are quite remarkable on CD audio playback.Some I have tried under a thousand were Rega Planet,Marantz CD63 SE.I tried A/B comparison between Arcam Alpha 8SE and Toshiba 3107 DVD player.Even the salesman said he couldn't justify difference in price. Good Luck. Kevin
I might first buy an outboard DAC and use my existing transport. The Bel Conto DAC-1 is an upsampling DAC selling around $1000. I think it will make the most dramatic change in your system along the lines of the sound you are looking for. It is a winner!
Tough call. I'm in much the same boat (also looking for the "best" CD player under $1k). I'm listened to many in production models and to some used, i.e. older equipment. Since I don't listen to all that much classical (rock and jazz for me), we might not want the same things from our CD players. However, here's what I've found: Rotel RCD-971 for $699. Fantastic player. A real stand out. Rega Planet for $795. Warm with some roll off to the highs. Pioneer Elite PD-65 for $800. Good overall. NAD C-540 for $499. Not bad at all from NAD. Cambridge Audio D500 for $499. Impressive sound, not too keen on the build. Sony XA20ES for $700. Built like a tank (like the Pioneer). Sound is okay. For my money, if I decide to go with a CD player, I'd go with the Rotel. You need to audition them yourself. I've also thought about going with a transport/DAC combo. Here I'd look at buying a used CD player and get one of two new DACs. I'm looking at a Cal Audio DX-2 or Cal Audio Delta transport, or even a Rega Planet (if I could get a real steal on one) for the transport. Then possibly the MSB Link DAC ($399) or the EVS Millenium DAC-1 ($650; only available online fom The DAC-1 has some very impressive reviews on Since I can't really audition the transport/DAC before buying, I'm going to have to get a real good deal on a transport to make me want to give it a go. EVS gives you a 30-day money-back deal, so I guess if you ended up hating the Millenium DAC, you could return it. But with the solid 5 star ratings on this DAC, it doesn't sound like much else compares to it for the money. Always have to say "for the money."
I recently posed this same question to the fellas here. I got some great advice, LISTENED to everything recommended, and snapped up a Planet. No regrets. FYI, the Planet has a digital out.
Speaking of digital outs, the lower end Sony's seem to only have TOS-link out. I don't really think in a 1m run there's going to be that much difference from coax, but not all DACs have an optical in. If you do go separates, and not a single CD player, make sure your transport and DAC have compatible connectors.