Best transport for Bel Canto Dac1

What is the best transport for Bel Canto Dac1? I have several hundred CDs and care nothing about video. I understand DVD transports work best. How about a Pioneer DV525 vs a Toshiba DVD9100? Is the price differeence worth the money? What is your experience? Thanks
Chucky, To me my Harmonic Technology coax sounded marginally better (slightly harmonically sweeter I think) than a $40 Monster Cable Toslink optical cable. Frank
I am currently using a Pioneer DV-09.
I had a Pioneer DV-414, and the DV-09 was in my Home Theater System.
I called Bel Canto and asked what they thought would be a better transport; CD only or DVD.
I was considering a CD only Transport such as a Theta,Meridian, Levinson, etc.
When I informed the technician at Bel Canto that I had a DV-09 in the house he quietly and politically recommended that I swap the 414 for the DV-09 as soon as possible.
The results are breathtaking!!
The DV-09 and the Dac-1 are superb. Best CD playback I have heard second only to DCS Elger, or Linn CD-12.
I am using Harmonic Tech Cyberlink and Truthlink cables respectively.
I am moving up to Acoustic Zen cables soon with this system.
I recommend a DV-09 due to its airlock transport and dual power supplies.
I have yet to upgrade my Dac-1, but I am sure the upgrade will make the current system even better.
I have had couple of long conversations with Stan Warren (SuperMods) and, I must admit, most of it went right over my head [:)]. He does a lot of mods to DVD players and SACD players, and thinks the Pioneer DVD players are well laid out and a very good bargain as a transport. (And with his mods on the dac section, a good player in total!) If you did not care about 24/96, he reports the $100 AIWA 5 disc changer is a remarkable transport. Really!

I also use, and enjoy, a DAC1/Pioneer DV525 combo connected via Toslink (XLO.) Mr. Warren recommends the $60 2 meter Fatwire toslink, and I am going to give it a try. He reports, just like the boys at Bel Canto Design, that there is jitter reduction with this set up.

Good Luck,

Update to above....the toslink recommended is by Audio One and the 2 meter is $139. The boys at Fatwyre say this one is great with the DAC1 and the MSB dac.