Best Respighi Pines of Rome

Perhaps this belongs in the "Music" forum, but I'm looking for vinyl only so here goes...I just picked up a used Living Presence of Respighi's Pines of Rome. First and only release of this for me, was only $4 and in decent condition.

After Disc Doctor, the recording has more background noise relative to other used purchases I have made, and I'm wondering if there might be another release recommended among those that you have experience with.

Any and all suggestions (except going to CD) appreciated.

Sugarbrie, I guess it is my bad for failing to use a silly "smilie", since no one can see the tongue what was placed in my cheek. It is simply an LP I've had on the shelf for some time and wondering if anyone knows if it is a good performance. On the other hand, if it IS a good performance, it might be have more value to an avid Respighi lover than to me. Just a another thought.
Both the Decca Maazel and the RCA Reiner are fabulous interpretations.......however, for sonics, the Decca, for me, is much better. I have, however, not heard the Reiner re-issue.
The Reiner Living Stereo-recording has been re-issued by JVC as a terrific sounding XRCD (26 $ at or Tower Records). According to German classical music guru Attila Csampai, who is a vinyl-junkie as well, these XRCDs sound even better than the original vinyl-discs