How good do SACD players play normal CDS

How good is the normal CD playback on a Sony SACD unit? I'm considering aroudn $3000 for a normal cd player such as a Wadia 830 or Classe CDP-1 or Meridian 508.24 Does the cd playback on a SACD come close to this level of regular cd players?
I compared the Sony 777es with the Meridian 508-24 and an older inexpensive Rotel. The Meridian did a much better job than the Sony and the Rotel was as good as the Sony. It was the equivalent of the $300 Rotel.
Hi, you know the Mark Levinson now owned the Red Rose Music Company and the source they used by sony SCD-1, plus they are recording sacd right at the Red Rose Music in NYC, judge your ears. Bruce
The SACD Players do a good job on normal CD's Not tremendously better. What seperates the SACD from the regular CD's is how they reproduce SACD recorded formats. The SACD recordings do sound very accurate. The SACD units are very pricey now. You will see the price drop dramatically as more manufacturers begin to use the SACD format. I would be waiting in the wings before buying one of these units. I think that they will take off.
and don't listen to those folks who claim that the ear bleeding Resolution Audio CD50 is better. Be especially distrustful of those who claim to have owned a Meridian 508.24, Wadia 860 and a CD50. These people either don't know what good sound is, or are so neurotic that they can't make a decision and stick with it. In either case, avoid taking any of their advice, because in a few weeks, they'll be on to the next "latest and greatest." Listen for yourself and decide.
Who is to say that SACD will win out over DVD-A? Beta was ahead of VHS for a few years. I have no preference as to what wins, at this point. I just want the whole thing resolved, so I can take the next step. I have(stupidly, in retrospect) held off upgrading my CD player for the past few years to wait for the result of this format war. I'd sure hate to buy a good(and I won't buy unless it is) SACD player, and be stuck when the industry moves in a different direction.