female needs expert advice

bough a new pair of mirage om 5 loud speakers.Iam biamping them with 2 classe 70 power amps. these speakers have 2 250wattamps built into them for the bass.I have 2 pairs of tara labs speakers cables about 8 years old tara quatums reference.what do you think would cable for them. I want something that is fast being in boogie factor @transparent don,t we all.One more question ,Iwas horizontally biamping these untill iwas talking to the maker of these speaker who told me to vertically biamp.To do this he said to take the two + and two- speaker spads of the rt speaker and put them on the rt channel of one amp and use the rt channel of amp input to rt channel of preamp do the same with left speaker and other amp . i feel that using one channel of eash amp is a waste any other ideas is welcome I don,t want to buy new amps these to me sound good but i just hate the waste the reason for doing it this way the top two things on speaker are for the mids and highs the other 2 are just to send a signal to the built in power amps fun hey? so help me guys thanks.
Tarbishaw, I did not raise my point about your header title because I was offended, as I would have no reason to be. I also did not mean to attack you, or suggest that a female has no place in "the men's room", as you put it. Quite the contrary; I believe that nothing would be healthier, or is more needed, in the high-end world than for it to considerably broaden its audience among not only females, but also people of all colors, ages, sexual orientations, income levels, educational levels, the works. Maybe then an audiophile's sex wouldn't prompt unusual attention. In my opinion, the whole topic is fair and prime game for input on this forum by all folks who are members of any of these groups rare or unrecognized in this hobby, be they veterans or newbies. Just trying to provoke some thought.
Hello Tarbishaw, another female here, glad to hear from you. The guys here are great, full of encouragement and good advise. Here's my 2 cents about cable recommendations: I have used Transparent speaker cables for years with all kinds of music and both solid state and tube amps with great results. You can find Ultra, Ultra XL, and even Reference here used at good prices. Recently, I sold my Transparent and went with Ensemble speaker cables, a lot less expensive and with no degradation of sound whatsoever. Currently, Ensemble is my favorite cable, for interconnect, speaker, or power cord. If you want to really go inexpensive, try out the DH Labs Q-10 speaker cables. I have a pair that I have swapped in and out w/both Transparent and Ensemble and think they are very good value. Not as good as the Ensemble, but very close for under $300 for biwire pair.
Changing the subject--I'm going to a Celtic Fiddle Festival at a folk music club near here in a couple of weeks, with some musicians from Cape Breton playing, as well as others. You're right, nothing beats live acoustic foot-stomping music!
Sean, most people in the hobby don't have really trained ears. That's why they rely on reviewers to hear for them. Why does stuff have to get good reviews in order to sell? Any competent salesman knows this.

Then add some prejudices to this mixture and we got ourselves a mess. Look at how people have reacted to my 1200 postings...they criticize yet THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE! They don't know what they're saying at all!!!

I know you have a good ear because I do and what you've described about the way my system is sounding without ever hearing it denotes extensive experience also. No substitute for that one...

Live and let live/ Live and let die.
Nice hearing from you Sc53 hope Natalie Mac Master will be there shes awesome.I was thinking about DHlabs-10Q might
give them a try .Thank you,the folks here are good love reading what they have to say ,I sure got good advice but Zaikesman really doesn,t like my amps read his review not good .Thanks again
Tarbishaw, everyone hears things differently, has different systems and has different personal preferences. As such, take ALL recommendations or comments with a grain of salt. This includes mine too. Listen for yourself, try to absorb as many thoughts and opinions as you can and enjoy the journey.

Sarah, i GREATLY envy you. That sounds like it has the makings of one HELLUVA "hoe-down" to me. Out of curiosity, do you listen to any "harder" music at all ? If so, i think i've got some discs that you might like.

Francisco, drop me an email when you get a chance. I have not received any emails from you in a while, so there is some type of a "goof-up" taking place somewhere in "cyberland". Sean