Is vinyl dead ?

Has anyone else noticed the lack of vinyl gear and accessories in the latest Audio Advisor catalogue ? Have sales slipped so much that they no longer feel the need to include this category of products in their catalogues ? Makes you wonder what's going on ??? Sean
No, Analog is alive and well thank you.
In a recent agon post 07-07-03: Member Aceto states
"There are some 400,000 new turntables sold each year. The industry does not want to publish vinyl sales, since CDs have been declining for thirteen years."

As we all know LP playback has never been better and the High-end has never been as affordable.

The lack of vinyl gear and accessories in the latest Audio Advisor catalogue is a quandary, but with so many online stores selling turntables, vinyl gear and accessories, it is a non-issue.
This is still a good Question as to why AA has chosen to reduce the number of Analog products in their catalogue.

If you look at Audio Advisor's web site you will find 22 items under Turntable and 22 items under Cartridge. Not to shabby for the niche AA has chosen to be in.
Indeed, there's a resurgence of vinyl in the pro & dj market. Astonishingly enough, it's the YOUNG generation of dj's who are showing an increasing interest. Increasing enough for many new dance issues on 12" and NEW pro TTs. Go figure...

WORSE, there are now upper end pro mixers with TUBES -- whaaat???
Maybe vinyl gear doesnt sell well for audio advisor.Who wants to pay close to full retail?
They used to offer descent 'on the phone discounts'A little prying could get ya a good deal.No more in my experience.
I think they are a good source for assessories but thats it.
Yes Sean,I've noticed this with analog gear too.