Is vinyl dead ?

Has anyone else noticed the lack of vinyl gear and accessories in the latest Audio Advisor catalogue ? Have sales slipped so much that they no longer feel the need to include this category of products in their catalogues ? Makes you wonder what's going on ??? Sean
The 80's those were the days, every weekend going to garage sales buying collections and trading most of all I gathered to the local used record shops for credit. I only have but a few of those old Garage sale LP's in my collection today.
I do however have a lot of cool stuff I got with the credit.

Egrady, Your statement says the Lp is going the way of the 78. Well the 78 is dead. 20 years ago many said the LP was dead, now is the time to get a turntable that doesn't require much dealer support. This is the very same thing you are saying, BUT I don't think buy your last post you mean the same thing the preachers of DOOM did back in 83.

I personally Have a new sprung turntable. I live in a smaller town and unless you live in a metropolis you will not find anyone to set-up your rig. Even in cities of 1 million you may only find 1 Hi FI dealer,and their setup guy may not be that good.

You really need to learn how to set-up and tweak your own Rig. Just as you needed to back 30 years ago. That is the only way to hit the sweet spot. You have to listen for yourself, and make sometimes many small adjustments.

Egrady, You have a great Rig and I bet it sounds fantastic.
I think by your last post you are saying you personally set the VTA & VTF. Then you know what I am talking about.
Lets keep buying Lp's and spinning vinyl.
Peace, Ron
The die hards still hang on, but truth be told, you wont see vinyl on display at the big dealers any more.
Soundex still has an occasional static dislpay every now and then, Overture's has dropped it for a while ago. Digital is much better than it used to be. I'm sure this response will bring much hate mail, but sometimes the truth hurts.
I myself never could never accept the pos and hisses, too distracting, and for what, a disc that slowly degrades with each use.

I heard they held a meeting in New York with the other record companies in 1989 and decided then that they would no longer make LP's the main format and push the CD. Could anyone confirm this? That would explain why Vinyl just disappeared over night. Look at how the Japanese manufacturers have tried to push different formats on us like DCC, then DAT, then Mini Disc, Then HDCD, then SACD, then DVD's, and now MP3. The japanese are always trying to invent something though it's not better just different so we as consumers will have to buy it. That would explain why JVC will not sell their presses and lathes or even the formula for the high quality vinyl they made. CD has been around for about 20 years but still has not come down in price and still doesn't sound better than vinyl. Why are the prices so high for CD's when the CD you buy for your home use are pretty cheap now. We never had a choice in the matter of vinyl, we were forced to buy CD's if we wanted new music. As for myself if I had a choice I would never have bought a CD player but if I want to listen to new music then I need one (see want I mean). If the record companies would keep records of LP's that are sold (new/used) from used record store and the top music store on line and everywhere then I think that the vinyl sale will be a lot higher than 1% of the total music sales. I have spent over the last 3 months about $375.00 on new LP's so thats quite a bit just by myself. We should all send letters or emails to the top record companies demanding that they at least run a limited amount of all new LP's with all new and older music and then they will see that the LP's would bring in a very nice profit and is still a popular format. It wouldn't hurt, all we need is a chance to show them which format we want when given the choice.


Of course vinyl is NOT dead !!

Vader: I've run Bel Canto DAC-1 and Perpetual Technologies P3A DACs for the last couple of years and was quite happy with them until I heard a Roksan Xerxes/Koetsu Rosewood turntable a couple of weeks ago. The sound of the vinyl set-up is so superior to CD, it's not funny!

I too, don't like the pops and crackles and the inconvenience of records - but there's no denying its superior sonic qualities.

See my post on the 'et tu Koetsu' thread.


Steve M.
"...but sometimes the truth hurts." Valder, I looked at the pictures of your system. You need to go back to square one! There is no way anything will sound right in such a setup! Like I say, high end is who you are, not what you buy...

The die hard audiophiles still hang on, but those are the guys with the very expensive MCs and those weird looking tables. Truth is there's quite a number of young people buying vinyl. Here in Toledo Metro there's four Allied Record Exchanges and there's always people buying used vinyl. It's not a lot(good), but I recently bought a new Don Cherry reissue. That's a small market but those stores carry vinyl. It's a niche. I don't know how it will be 10 years from now but right now to me it's more fun to go to a used record store. No, those people don't have VPIs or Linn Sondek's or Teres. The better ones have old restored Empire's, Thorens and the others like me use the creature. But it is those of us who go down on our knees to go through the record piles to search for the goodies.

With psychic power and primal intensity,