Is vinyl dead ?

Has anyone else noticed the lack of vinyl gear and accessories in the latest Audio Advisor catalogue ? Have sales slipped so much that they no longer feel the need to include this category of products in their catalogues ? Makes you wonder what's going on ??? Sean
I love all the opions from all these "experts" about how my system sounds when they never heard. As if I have to explain my decisions to anyone....Please!
This is not the community I signed up for.
If responding to threads is about being ripped apart and
attacked then consider this my last.
Vader, I didn't attack you. I even said specifically that I wasn't. I simply stated the facts as I see them. I never said that you had to use vinyl, nor am I "shoving it down your throat". Nowhere in my post did I try to say that anybody HAD to use vinyl. In fact I said,"So if convenience and easy buying of CD's in the store is your bag, then fine, use digital". I pointed out that other considerations besides sound are by far the most common reasons for choosing digital over vinyl.

You are perfectly welcome to use whatever you want, and you don't need any justification to do so. Nor do I. But when it comes down to this discussion about the differences between media, my opinion is that the sonic choice is obvious, and I stated a good number of reasons for my opinion. You don't have to agree.

I think anyone reading my previous post can see that I am not attacking anyone, but I am making a very pointed argument that some may not like, because it doesn't support the use of CD from a purist audiophile view. Keep in mind that I am speaking from an extreme minority viewpoint, and the vast majority of the commercial audio world is at odds with this view. But the point remains.

Use what you like. Don't let me run you off this board, that is not my intent.
Vader, You will note that the is the analog forum, aka the lunatic fringe, whose member's interests in music are, for the most part, frozen in time. I agree with you in one major respect - if the soft ware (performances) arn't available in LP's who cares if LP's sound better. I also think good high end LP playback and CD's playback is equally good, just in different ways with a lot of different tradeoff's, but this group has already heard my reasons so I won't bore them further. Enjoy the music...and stick around.
Newbee says, "You will note that the is the analog forum, aka the lunatic fringe, whose member's interests in music are, for the most part, frozen in time."

Must be why I have 1957 Miles Davis and 1966 Beatles and 2003 Coldplay, 1960 Stanley Brothers and 1972 Yes and 2002 Radiohead on vinyl, 1958 Reiner/CSO and 1967 Sinatra and 2000 Pearl Jam on vinyl. I'm a lunatic on the fringe, frozen in time. Oy...
Sorry you took that personal - you will note that I included "for the most part". I note from your past posts that you have at least had an interest in some music which appeared on CD's. There are some contributors who do not listen to CD's at all because they do not like the format. These are the folks to whom I was referring. They are missing out on a lot of great music which has appeared only on CD over the last 20 years. I have not lost that opportunity because of a format change, not will I despite my recent observation that the identical performance that I have on a Living Stereo Lp and CD revealed a warmer, fuller sound and more enjoyment with the LP than the CD, which was some what thinner and lacked midbass warmth. But I can cry in my beer that Tilson - Thomas's Mahler 6th isn't on LP and disregard it or I can buy the CD and enjoy the performance. I will always do the latter, only the sound is different, not the music.