Will the HDCD format survive

Will the HDCD format survive or is it already gone?
E-mail Pacific Microsonics, Keith Johnson, or Jeff Kalt about their philosophies regarding HDCD, and also what Jeff uses in the new CD55. He'll be happy to set you straight...I'm not the manufacturer, I only defend my player on issues of sound quality. Have you heard the CD50 or CD55? You need to hear mine, come visit it. HDCD's are clearly superior with regards to dynamic contrast, to those that have not been mastered with the process. Sony's super bit mapping process is about halfway to the improvement of the HDCD process. You and other detractors have argued since HDCD's inception, that it does nothing for CD's. I've even argued with manufacturers about it, and none have convinced me that, to not decode the HDCD subcoded "triggers", somehow is better than to decode them. Just doesn't fly. So what makes you think you can somehow prove this to me? Different manufacturers always feel differently about this issue, and I know what I hear. Do you believe what you hear first hand? No offense, but I wouldn't, if I were your age...just my pinion...
Actually, Burr Brown makes a chip that decodes HDCD, so there's no reason to make such a compromise. My opinion? As long as there's extra bits, there will always be a market for HDCD encoding/decoding technology. Although with the advent of 24/96 and higher PCM rates, it becomes an increasingly niche market.
Carl, Resolution Audio is a joke. Where did you buy your player? At www.junk.com? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You're a bad joke, and apparently quite a moron. Go back to donating semen to animal husbandry....Muwah hah hah hah hah!!!!!
Carl, you've obviously been spending too much time in front of the mirror. Anyone stupid enough to buy Resolution Audio should be pitied. I'm sure your butt hurts from the experience.