Will the HDCD format survive

Will the HDCD format survive or is it already gone?
You two should just stop denying the inevitable. On a more serious note; I don't believe that HDCD is all that much of a factor. I have approximatly 500 cd's, and out of those I have only noticed a half dozen that play in HDCD. The HDCD does sound better, but not enough for me to care. It is maybe 10% better. I think a significantly better format will be needed to get people on a bandwagaon. I think we will see SACD/DVD players come down to the consumer and audiophile entry level and become a market force. Sony has already released a $700 player. This tells me we will see audiophile grade players hitting the 1000-1500 price point. Internet buying makes it practical for major players such as Amazon and CDNOW to stock SACD/DVD titles. Additionally, you must take into account that Sony owns the largest collection of recorded audio in the world.
Phill, where can I find it at this price (now you make me want it) thanks for the info.
Phil, my but hurts from sitting at my system too long, mezmorized by the music. I suspect yours hurts from your little get together with your cell mate last night! Good luck with that, you slimeball greenhorned baby coward...