40 feet balanced between preamp and Levinson....

I need to run balanced outs from my preamp (soon to be an Audio Research) to my Mark Levinson No.27 in an adjacent room. I have Magnepan 3.3 speakers. The distance is 40ft (2x40). And there's no way around it. I cannot spend a million dollars on this, and I wonder if anyone has a suggestion.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts!
I used to have 33ft between ML380S and ML336 (recently replaced with Halcro) I am very pleased with Stealths CWS balanced cables, they were customized to offer low inductance (helps performance at long lengths (return/ground path must have low inductance in order to provide 'transparent" ground link at all frequencies (not only low ones )according to Stealth)
Long runs like this don't have very good resale value--that can be good for you if you are patient and watch the used market. I'm biased towards Audioquest. I've tried a lot of cables, and always seem to go back to AQ. I have long runs between my crossover and ML 20.0 and Krell KMA 160s. I used to have an AR pre-amp. I would recommend the AQ Emerald (now discontinued) if you can find a pair in that length. I'm using Lapis and Diamond--but wouldn't recommend either of those with the AR. The copper Emerald will give a slightly fuller and richer sound. My AR was a little on the lean side and sounded better with Emerald than with Lapis. I have not tried LAT cables, but Sean has been great asset to this site--so I would seriously consider his advice as well.