Against everything that high end cables stand for

I just received a pair of Michael Green speaker cables. 10 ft pairs, $2 ft, totaL cost $40. They are unterminated bare wire and appear to be 3 twisted solid core 20 gauge wires. I spoke with an employee of MGD and he stated that they do not recommend terminations of cables as the spades, and required solder only serve to add more colouration. My impressions from 2 hours of initial listening, is that vs other wires Ive tried, it trounced my Yamamura m4000 and PAD cables in every area except bass definition. I will give them further listening this eve, but MGD has these theories that make logical sense (Tuneable Speaker, Room Treatments, Clamping Components, Racks etc) which to the T so far have resulted in sonic superiority and improvement.
Brulee: Why so defensive? Why would I have been taken for a ride? Sounds like you bought $10,000 cables you didn't audition first and then replaced with others. Did you buy them based on reviews? Now to me that is really quite a ride.
Keriadums-First of all very unusual moniker, what the hell does it mean??? Secondly copper as pure as your stating I believe was 99.99999% pure is only available from 2 mining plants in the world and doesn't have the typical "tainted" copper color, it is also typically very expensive(for copper anyway), it is usually pink-and when I say pink I mean pink not bronzish with a hue of pink i.e. it is very appearant.

Justlisten-Now perhaps these cables as a whole system approach seem to be giving you good results, but I have noticed that high end cables sound just that high end, and cheap cables sound well like cheap cables-lifeless, dull no exhuberance. And silver forget that, ear piecing in my system, however with all things audio YMMV. I used to use copper cables that where around $600 per pair and recently upgraded to cables that are $2800 a pair and the difference was very appearant-that is to say some of my non-audiophile friends asked what I had changed. So it isn't just me, and I am planning yet another speaker cable upgrade in fall(the ones I am using are borrowed from a friend, fully broken in) and they are a little over 3k and sound simply amazing to me worth every penny. So yea I am agreeing with a post Sean made a while ago about there has to be a way to show on test equipment there are measureable differences in cables, then compound that by a high resolution system and there are huge differences.
I don't think Upgrade allways means more $$ as Herman and Sean says. I don't fully agree with "synergy" always being the answer either. (I used to own an all Pioneer rack system in the 80s) Could it be that my mostly tubed based system needed some forward sounding cable? Or could it be that underneath all that fancy window dressing is 3 similar twisted cables? There is another thread here on Audiogon, re a some interesting findings in a YBA Preamp. There have been some people who have also gutted MIT Impedence Boxes, what they found was pretty interesting. Perception? It really is interesting when some people seek out to upgrade an item, a prerequisite is more money.
Justlisten-Interesting point you bring up, though not always true, I am planning on getting a new CD player in spring and it is significantly less then my current digital system and sounds much much better. Also I think I would upgrade speakers to something with a slightly lower msrp then what I am using and get better performance. Though I have a friend at the moment is looking to blow 30k on speakers for no better reason then he feels that more money will buy better or more suiting speakers for his system, his current speakers are 12k, significant price increase for perhaps not that much of an increase in performance.