Used Morch DP-6 or modified Origin Live Silver?

Hello vinyl-philes,

Thanks largely to this forum we've shattered the piggy bank and will soon be the recipients of a Teres 265 + Shelter 901. Now I'm stuck for a tonearm. TWL and others warn against unipivots for this cartridge. We understand and agree, so we've come down to the two arms mentioned above. Either one will just about bust the budget, so going up in price is not viable at this time.

Morch DP-6 (used, $800 + phono cable)
- offers adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- offers adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- horizontal damping controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

OL Silver with TWL's mods ($800 + $1.79 fishing weights)
- no adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- no adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- TWL's HIFI mod controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

Has anyone compared the sonics of these two arms with a low compliance cartridge? Your observations would be especially welcome.
Doug, this rig you are assembling will definitely exceed what I am using. You will be quite happy with it, I'm sure.

As for the Heavyweight on the Silver arm, I have used the standard OL counterweight, the Heavyweight, and am now using my prototype hanging counterweight. For overall performance, they fall in that order: standard, Heavyweight, hanging counterweight.

For normal OL users, the Heavyweight is the best available option, because it is just a "drop in" part that installs quickly. It makes a nice improvment in tracking ability and sound, and is worth the money.

I am just an inveterate tweaker, and had to try some ideas that I had about counterweight theory. Again, it proved out that my hunch was correct, and the hanging counterweight definitely outperformed the Heavyweight. It would do fine on a Teres, but I don't think it will work well on a suspended table, because all that flopping around will cause the hanging weight to do too much swinging. On the Teres is sits dead still, except when you swing the arm over to cue a record. It stills itself pretty quickly, and isn't problematic at all on the Teres. I am not selling the hanging counterweight, but if you want to make one you can email me, and I'll give you instructions on how to make it.

Too bad about the Morch being gone, but I don't think that you'll be hurting any with the OL Silver, especially when modded with the HiFi, and possibly with the hanging counterweight. With both those mods, there is a very substantial improvement to the sound of the Silver arm, which is already, by itself, quite a nice arm. There is no doubt in my mind that my modded Silver is in the category of the "super arms". No doubt whatsoever. I wouldn't be at all worried about comparing it against anything there is. At the very least, it would give a very good account for itself, and maybe it might even win. For the money that is invested, it is no contest. The performance increase from the mods is very big, and every user that has tried the HiFi has been shocked at the amount of improvement. I have had no negative comments from anybody, and they are all ecstatic with it. The hanging counterweight is not as big of an improvement, but it makes the arm more liquid sounding, and unencumbered. More lively, open, and responsive. Tracks better too. I don't want to get carried away with superlatives, but this is a damn good arm with the mods, and I really like it. I have under $800 in it, since I bought it before the price increase, and mods were practically free.
Thanks 4yanx. I have NO doubts this rig will blow my current one away. (For $6K+ it had better!) I'm not at all unhappy about going with the OL. It's been on my shortlist for months and actually became the arm of choice after I read the HIFI mod thread. I only went looking again after the evil Chris Brady created the drop-dead gorgeous Teres 265. My partner thought the OL Silver a bit plain by comparison. The Morch certainly answers in that category. Oh well.

Instrumental/voice timbres matter most to me and I can't tolerate digital nastiness, but Paul needs to hear clean attacks/decays and clear, powerful bass. We're a tough pair to satisfy but I think this setup will. Twl's outriggers reportedly control the arm and help the bass, which should be especially good with a Shelter 901. Dammit! I may just order the Classic Records re-release of 'Pictures at an Exhibition' (Reiner/CSO) right now.

Twl, I doubt my store-bought amp will outshine the HOLY GRAIL. :)

I had exactly the same concerns as you about the hanging counterweight (reading your thoughts on that mega-thread was very educational). It might be a disaster on a Linn, but on a Teres, no problem. No floppin' around! I won't be set up for about a month and need to get my feet wet before going too crazy. I've never adjusted VTA/SRA or even used a VTF gauge. Once I climb up the learning curve a bit I'll let you know if I want to try it. Thanks.

Interesting that you find the hanging counterweight,
"makes the arm more liquid sounding, and unencumbered. More lively, open, and responsive." In his review of the OL Encounter for StereoTimes, Paul Szabady said, "The Encounter was in complete control. In comparison, the Encounter's less expensive brother, the Silver, sounded a bit like an over-achiever, less confident in its ability and so pushing harder to make a good impression and occasionally losing control."

Your description of a modded Silver and his description of the Encounter sound strikingly similar to me. I'm very encouraged.
Good luck & maybe we can look forward to a review of "my new analogue rig playing Mahler 8". Cheers
Doug, we'll see very soon how my modded Silver measures up with the Encounter. I have an Encounter on the way, for evaluation purposes. Actually, the large bearing housing on the Encounter is partly designed to increase the lateral mass component, and is likely the major factor in the sound difference between the two standard arms. Whether the Encounter's bearing housing matches the HiFi mod in that department is something that we shall see very soon. As far as the hanging counterweight adding to the Silver's abilities compared to the Encounter, I think that the standard counterweight on the Encounter will not match my hanging counterweight on the Silver. All-in-all, I expect my modded Silver to outperform the Encounter. However, I will try my hanging counterweight on the Encounter also, and find out how that combo stacks up in the mix. This should be an interesting week for listening. If my modded Silver beats the Encounter, I'll be gunning for the Illustrious next, to see how they compare. This is really the only way to tell for sure. I'll be doing all my testing with my Shelter 501 on the arms. Of course, I'll give a full report on the outcome.
Tom, I will be interested in the Illustrious/Silver Bullet comparison. Then, maybe someone can send to me a Silver Bullet so that I can do the same comparison! :-)

Why do you feel in advance that the Silver Bullet will outdo the Encounter? No disrespect intended here, just wondering if there is some design that is apparent upon visual impressions only that lead you to this supposition before listening.