Used Morch DP-6 or modified Origin Live Silver?

Hello vinyl-philes,

Thanks largely to this forum we've shattered the piggy bank and will soon be the recipients of a Teres 265 + Shelter 901. Now I'm stuck for a tonearm. TWL and others warn against unipivots for this cartridge. We understand and agree, so we've come down to the two arms mentioned above. Either one will just about bust the budget, so going up in price is not viable at this time.

Morch DP-6 (used, $800 + phono cable)
- offers adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- offers adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- horizontal damping controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

OL Silver with TWL's mods ($800 + $1.79 fishing weights)
- no adjustable azimuth (does it matter?)
- no adjustable vertical damping (does it matter?)
- TWL's HIFI mod controls stiff cartridges (right?)
- ease of setup? ease of use? reliability?

Has anyone compared the sonics of these two arms with a low compliance cartridge? Your observations would be especially welcome.
Doug- Check Joe's tube lore at AA for info on 12AX7 subs that may have somewhat lower gain.
TWL- Does your mod for the Silver MK1 require dismantling and re-setting up the arm? I'm not the most delicate guy around and I've got a Benz glider with the naked cantilever that I could snap in a heartbeat.
Swampwalker, my mod is as simple as can be to install. You don't even have to remove the arm from the table. You just adhere the HiFi weights to the end-cap nuts on the bearing axle, while the arm stays in place. Nothing even comes near the cartridge end of the arm. There could be a little bit of tweaking on the hole size of my HiFi weights, to get them to be a good press-fit onto the cap nuts, but I make them very close to exact. It is about as simple as it gets for a mod.
Swampwalker, thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. Of course if pushing a lower gain tube harder would raise the noise floor, as Tom implies, I might just leave things as they are. I'm still learning here :)

Tom, I'm already loving the lower noise floor, even with the poor old TT and arm. Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra last night was shocking, like hearing the full score for the first time. Quiet passages were mesmerizing, and once again a full tutti for brass panicked the cats. Maybe I should upgrade to a 2wpc amp for their sake!