JOB, BelCanto, Perpetual, MilleniumDACs?

Greetings. My evolving ref system (ParsifalEncores/AlephP+2s/RedDawn) needs a new digital front end. I've read about the DACs listed above, and hope to hear commentary that might save me enormous time comparing them. This system is WAY too revealing of my old Rotel CDP's inadequacies (HF roughness, especially), but a quick fix with an ARCAM 9 proved unsuccessful: it's too rhythmically handicapped! Is the 'Canto the easy solution to achieve high resolution AND rhythmic prowess? Thanks. Ernie (Whatjd: lost the thread with your comments--please repeat, if you would be so kind.)
I am also on the EVS Millennium DAC II waiting list. I have never heard any EVS product but after researching my options on the net I believe this DAC will be very good. I started an Audiogon thread recently soliciting user comments on the EVS DAC I, there are 4 favorable replies there. I also believe the EVS unit will provide a better upgrade path to future digital formats than most of its competitors. I spoke with Ric today and he indicated he will offer a lower cost DAC early next year in the $450 price range. I recently auditioned the Perpetual Technologies P-1A P-3A combo and found them impressive in many ways but I just had the feeling that I could do better elsewhere and opted for the EVS unit which also has 30 day evaluation program. Has anyone heard the JOB unit? Listener magazine had a review in the last issue but I have not heard any other opinions. God bless.
If budget were less of a concern, which upsampling DACs would you look at? I'm particularly interested in anyone's experience with the gear from Dodson and dCS. Thanks.
Tubegroover, I purchased used Bel Canto Dac1 couple days ago, will start out with HT cyberlink copper digital cable, and keep an eye out for used Illumination D60 or HT cyberlink platinum here at audiogon to upgrade to. This will go with my Musical Fidelity A3CD player, just like Wes Phillips at site.........must stop reading new reviews or stock market must go up to compensate for my audio addictions, Sam
Sam: I was looking for the same upgrade with the . Please share with us your findings and test CD's you use.
Sol, I will of course share results after break-in, my system very similar to Wes Phillips, Musical Fidelity A3CD MF amp/preamp.......I am very happy with current system for Classical and other well recorded material, but 1/2 of CD collection is rock/alt and many of these recordings treble will have some digital edge/glare in extended passages. Auric Illuminator and Bedini II remove some of it, and of course cables can reduce or exaggerate the effect, I am hoping Bel Canto slow roll-off filter and zero jitter will further clean up these well as make other good recordings even better, Sam