Anyone else like to Listen in the Dark?

Thats right! With the lights off...! I guess this habit started once I went completely tubes! Besides beauty of the warming blue, purple, and orange glow...I can be taken away more easily by the music in the dark. I enter dream like states and my imagination runs wild. The music simply takes control and moves me!
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Definitely dark, especially in the Summer months.

It is difficult to keep the room cool as is. Solar energy from four skylights, 100% halogen fixtures and 102 tubes (if everything is on at once). I can definitely do without the extra heat.

It is nice to have an excuse to douse the lights.

By the way Flacre, that wouldn't be Springbank 15, Balvenie Doublewood or McCallan 18 would it? I'll be right over.
As much as possible. I hide the tube gear (in a closet) and just listen/concentrate to/on the music, along with the various cat ID tags (5 cats) jingling on the food/water bowls and my wife walking through the living room (enroute to the kitchen) every song and a half, or so, albeit "only" when I am listening to music (this pastime gets no respect in our household:-).
go to the hardware store & get one of those battery operated tap lights,& put it by the listening chair,i do agree that tubes glowing in the dark,somehow makes the illusion seem more real
So glad to see I'm not the only one with this little eccentricity. I've always thought that turning out the lights turns your focus away from the visual towards the audio, and heightens the listening experience. That's why my listening room is set up in the basement where it's dark as a cave.
I also enjoy turning the lights off while listening. The whole concept is that your brain has less information to process with the eyes and can therefore focus in more on the information coming to the ears. Of course, to a much larger degree, we know this is true with blind people who develop an excellent sense of hearing.