cable cooker, do they work?

I need to burn in some interconnects and speaker wire. Will a CD that is advertised work? How about a DIY cable cooker plan. I posted this previously, no real answers,just suggestions that might work. Well,I need to resolve this so your help is desperately needed. I would like to build my own cooker if possible. Thanks in advance.
I have the Nordost Cable Toaster. The improvement was smoother and more dimensional sound -- and that's with cables which have been in my system for a year. I thought it was a wasteful impulse buy but now I am glad I have it.
Sean, actually Bomarc and I are not in a boat as we possess the ability to hover above the water. Now understand that you must accept our amazing ability as fact simply as a result of our having asserted it here on the 'Gon. Moreover, it is unreasonable for you to question us further on this one.

I hear the wheels spinning in your head ... "I won't believe that they can hover above water until I see objective evidence." Purge that pernicious thought lest ye be categorized as an "objective jackass" (ala Cornfedboy). Perhaps you have a hard time accepting it because you have not tried, or maybe have not tried in the right way, hovering above water for yourself? You have? Well then maybe you don't have the "right equipment" to make it work?

In any case, it doesn't matter because I have made the assertion, ergo it is a fact that we can hover above water no matter what you and others say, or in spite of empirical evidence and logical support to the contrary.

P.S. My statement to the effect that people hear in cables what they believe they can hear in cables is backed up by the empirical evidence that we have utilizing DBT, and I stand behind it. I'm sorry if I have gored one of your sacred cows by so doing.
Tell 'em the truth, Doc: Being able to hover above water is a very expensive proposition. Those of you whose souls aren't good enough can't appreciate what we do, but be grateful for that. Enjoy your mid-fi selves, and think of all the money you're saving!

As for Sean: Where do you get off telling me that anything I've said is false? And since when is scientific knowledge not relevant background for a discussion of audio topics?

It's an interesting little universe you want to live in: You're allowed to state your interpretations of your observations as facts. I'm not allowed to state my understanding of scientific principles as facts. What a wonderful conversation we won't have!
Docwarnock, I am interested in reviewing your empirical evidence i.e. the documented results of the DBT testing. This issue has been argued ad nauseum (and yes I got in it too a few months back). Instead of continuing to stand toe-to-toe spouting invectives at each other lets bring this objective evidence out in the open for examination. As I am sure you know scientific discoveries aren't generally accepted until verified and repeated. I say all this as someone who is genuinely interested in learning more about this issue. If you don't feel comfortable posting your evidence here send me an email (just use member look-up).
Even the cow you gored can hear the difference Doc. But then the cow stopped and listened with an open mind before Moooooving on.

As for the hovering, I can do that too, so we now have two groups that can hover and only one can hear the difference in cables.

The difference? I, like others here at Audiogon (and the cow) aren't afraid to change our minds when testing proves our original ideas wrong.