Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie
Well Sliddi I don't have to read what others say, I listened. Unless there was a problem with the chip which Mark Schifler never indicated to me through several e-mails, the Bel Canto is a better unit by a good margin, at least tonally. Other than the superb s/n and micro/macro dynamics of the P.T. unit, the tonality of MY unit was all wrong and unlistenable. I heard you had a problem with the chip AFTER I SENT MINE BACK but NO ONE from P.T. ever let me know about it and ALL I got back from Mark was his surprise that I was having problems. It seems EVERYONE with a field sample (30 or so according to Mark) was quite happy with the unit. I say this, if you have one legitimate complaint concerning a product (My first e-mail I didn't receive a response on until one week later during which time I sent the unit back) all efforts should be made to find out what the problem is. ESPECIALLY A NEW PRODUCT!! You folks never did follow up with me am I am disappointed. Maybe the problem could have been fixed or maybe SOMEONE could have let me try another unit. I received nothing but a polite e-mail from Mr. Schifler that indirectly indicated my problem was ISOLATED. In my estimation, not a very good business practice for a new company. I do however commend you on your 30 day money back guarantee and say that there is really no risk for those who haven't heard the unit.
I shipped my Bel Canto Dac-1 back one week ago for the upgrade and a hummmmming problem. I receive it back today (a lot faster than I anticipated) I am sure I need to break it in again however it sounds very good. There seems to be increased dynamics and a bigger more detailed bass. I am sure I should put at least 48 hours of use on the Dac-1 until I will really know what I hear.
Lak When you say "seems to be" is that I THINK there is or yeah this thing kicks ah ah ah....We can talk ourselves into believing things we want to hear but when we REALLY
boy I hate that. Just when you're in the middle of a thought what do you do, you hit the wrong key ...... HEAR something it should be quite apparent. At least to me. I don't want to struggle to discern minute differences. Could you clearly hear an improvement in DYNAMICS which is suppose to be a significant improvement in the upgrade and to my ears an area that the Bel Canto could well improve on.