How well does the VPI 16.5 work??

I am looking for opinions on the VPI 16.5. Does this machine do a nice job with cleaning new and old vinyl...
Is it messy... what fluids are used..any tricks?
Is there any comparable products that I should consider..
Custom Audio LLC
Wouldn't do vinyl without one. Easy to use. Great results. I have a few preliminary steps prior to vacuuming except for new vinyl. Advise to get one and don't look back.
Very easy to use. If you are seriously into vinyl it's a must have. The only reason I would sell mine is to get the model 17. Should be able to find one new for about $425.
I second what everyone else has said. It is a great record cleaning machine. This is one purchase you will never regret making.
Just bought mine last week and it's awesome! Very fast and
easy to use. Everyone's right, it you're into vinyl, it's
a must have.
I have two VPI 16.5's and a Nitty Gritty 1.5FI that i use. The VPI is a much better machine in my opinion. The equivalent Sota machine may be even better than the VPI from what i've seen about it, but i've got no first hand experience with it. Sean