Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?

Do I understand there is a new Sony player for a reasonable price? Has anyone auditioned or purchased this unit? I heard the $5000 one and thought it looked and sounded great but found the price tag a bit steep given the number of titles available. I would love advice from any gurus on this format
To: Bmpnyc. Sony 9000ES is fantastic CD player by itself. It is not so airy as 777 without filter but still its highs are silky. Midrange is comprable to the best tube amps I owned or heard. Not euthonic, mind you, but if you know sound of LAMM II thats it (I compare midrange truthness of timbre). Bass is also similar to the best tubes. Not mooshy, tight, very articulated. This is tonal balance. Next, detail: 777ES is more resolved, but as you know detail is high frequency info. I am sure after 50kHz filter removal it will play with much more detail. Next, we all know that Japanese analog stages, as a rule, is junk Example? oh oh how about SC-1 and 777ES. Jerry Osmet of AudioLogic(he also designed DACs for Jadis, Thor and few others) said about 777 "cheapest possible junk". For couple hundred dollars Stan Warren of SuperMode (Stan the GREAT!!) not only will change passive parts in 9000ES but also will re-design entire analog stage. I send him my 9000ES two days ago and in month or two or week or two (Never push Stan Warren) I will have, hopefully, one of the best CD Players around regardless of the price. This is about potential. Comparing stock 777ES and 9000ES both hve pluses and minuses. Overall, however, 9000ES is MUCH BETTER. It is my personal subjestive opinion. Everybody has diffirent tast. For me the most important by far is timbral accuracy, and then macro/micro dynamic range. Sorry for long reply, however, then one says "A" is better then "B" we must define what do we mean by that. I worked as evaluator for many designers (e.g. Ken Stevens of CAT etc) and the most important thing in hi-fidelity communication to know when we say word "lush" its for one person euphonic and nosiating for another Stradivarius violin. This why professional reviewers always state CDs and LPs they used. This reply is really long,long. SORRY... Simon
Thanks Simontju, for taking the time to post such a thorough response. I will certainly think more seriously about the 9000ES now, I just need a little time to recover from the post holiday cash flow shortage! Does anyone have an opinion on how important 5 channel SACD will be, in relation to 2 channel SACD?
Simontju: Jerry Ozment modified my 777ES by adding his tubed output stage, and as modified it is a superb player, comparable with the best out there. The digital side of these players seems to be where Sony spent the bulk of its time and money; they put in a servicable, fairly good-sounding (if you like smooth sound), analog stage, but that's where you can wring a lot better performance out of these machines. Don't know if Jerry's decided to keep doing the mods, and they may be more expensive than Stan's if he does, but you are correct about potential of these machines, and there are plenty of talented modifiers out there if you want better resolution than the stock units.
Simontju - thanks for all the helpful info. As for waiting, I think anyone who wants a great DVD player and also values great 2-channel audio has no reason to wait at this point. I will certainly admit that if the DVD aspect holds no real interest that this may be a closer call, with many new products right around the corner (and hopefully a lot more software), but I paid $900 for my current Sony DVD player and wouldn't think twice about upgrading to a progressive scan ES model from Sony for that price as well, especially if I get to experience SACD as part of the bargain.
To RcPrince: lets be accurate. jerry did not modified 777ES . He bypass entire Sony analog stage and added external analog (tube) stage of Audiologic 2400 ($5.k retail) for $1,200. It was faster and cheaper for him rather then re-design new analog stage for 777ES. Stan Warren, hopefully, will re-design analog stage of 9000ES (he is not "resistor and capacitor" type of guy. He is one of the best audio engineers in this country, He is "S" in PS Audio ("P" is Paul McGowen, designer of PS Plant 300,600 and 1200) also quality parts such as black gate capacitors, appropriate op-amps etc will be added. However, I wish to point out that people who do not like modifications can instead buy better interconnects and speaker cable. Good wire always improve resolution, soundstage etc. Be careful; you can do it with 9000ES because it shows superb accuracy of timbre whereas 777ES exebit non-natural timbre. and it will be emphesized with better wire and will be extremely annoying. Ad you know butter was produced by "bitting" the milk. As much you will "bit" the shit no butter will result. With respect - Simon